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❝A man's daughter is his heart

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❝A man's daughter is his heart. Just with feet, walking out in the world.❞

Mat Johnson

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1990 | Ten Years Old

Theo's eyes widened when he saw Sofia standing on the other side of the front door. He'd gone to the door, expecting to see the pizza delivery guy, not his estranged wife. He hadn't seen her in months, not since she'd tried to kidnap Elena while he was at work.

"Hi," She smiled sheepishly as she rubbed her arms nervously.

"What the hell?" He muttered as he stared at her in shock. He looked around and made sure Elena hadn't followed him to the door before he stepped outside quickly, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I-I," She stuttered as she gulped.

"Well, this is a first," He scoffed, "You don't have anything to say? Is the world ending?"

"Don't be like that, Theo," She whispered, a frown on her face.

She wasn't used to him being mean to her, he'd always been the cool-headed one in their relationship.

"What do you mean?" He laughed harshly, "Were you expecting me to roll down a red carpet for my wife who left me for another man?"

"I-I'm sorry," She mumbled, her eyes downcast as her lip trembled.

"Don't you dare," He snapped sharply as he glared at her, "You don't get to make me feel bad for you after what you did."

"I made a mistake," She burst out as she tried to grab his hands but he stepped back, "I'm sorry, Theo. I made a mistake, I didn't know what I had until I left."

"Cut the bullshit," His words held no malice anymore instead his tone was flat, obviously tired, "What? Did you run out of money?"

She rubbed her hand against her arm anxiously, her voice quiet. "He left me. For someone else."

Her head snapped up when she heard Theo burst out laughing.

"Oh, that's just great!" He cackled as he tried to catch his breath, "So you left your family for some guy and then he leaves you for someone else? You have got to be making this up."

She pursed her lips as she watched him turn red from laughter. It was true, she'd left Theo and Elena for another man only to have him ditch her for a younger woman just a few days ago.

"Theo, please. I know I made a mistake but I want to fix it. I want our family back," She begged him as tears started to fall down her cheeks once again.

Theo scoffed and jeered at her. "But 'our' family doesn't need you, you showed us that. You left but we're still a family because Elena is all I need and I will go to hell and back to be all she needs."

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