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❝Family isn't always blood and I am grateful for the friends who have turned into family

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❝Family isn't always blood and I am grateful for the friends who have turned into family.❞


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"So, my mom says 'Why don't you try being polite for just one day and see if people don't notice'," Cory rolled his eyes as he walked down the hallway, Shawn and Elena on either side of him.

"Hey, for what it's worth Cor, I think you're polite," Shawn paused, "Then again, polite in my family means wearing a tie for your arraignment."

"Well, tie or not I still think you're polite Cor. Most of the time anyway," Elena patted his shoulder with a smile.

She couldn't help let out a laugh and Cory gave her an offended look.

Rolling her eyes, she turned Cory around. Mr. Feeny was holding a fire extinguisher in one hand and dragging a boy covered in dry powder from said fire extinguisher.

"Oh," Cory nodded his head.

"I appreciate your quick response with the fire extinguisher, Mr.Mendoza, but in the future, please, wait for a fire," Mr. Feeny sighed as he let the boy go.


Cory leaned forward. "Bless you, Mr. Feeny."

"Oh, thank you." Mr. Feeny's eyes widened slightly, "Mr. Matthews, that's surprisingly considerate."

"Good. Tell my mother."

"Don't ask," Elena shook her head as Mr. Feeny gave the boy a questioning glance.

Mr. Feeny nodded his head at the girl in thanks before making his way to his office.

"Hey Ladybug," Eric booped Elena's nose as he walked passed them with River.

"Hey guys," River smiled at the three, coming to a stop when he reached them while Eric kept going.

"He was trying to get you to tell him about the party, wasn't he?" Elena rolled her eyes.

"You ask questions you already know the answer to, you know that?" River laughed, "When I didn't tell him anything he got really confused. About how he couldn't decide whether I failed or not because I wasn't giving him a report but I was also doing what you asked."

Elena smiled as she held out her first to River for a fist bump.

"Oh, now watch as I shift into turbo polite." Cory smirked before rushing to open the door for his brother, "Eric, allow me."

Eric paused as he stared at Cory, "Okay."

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Cory smiled charmingly.

"No, I'll take it from here," Eric nodded his head to the bathroom, "Thanks."

"Alright. Tell Mom I offered."

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