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❝I am a diva, but if you look at the Italian definition of the word in a dictionary it is actually something very beautiful

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❝I am a diva, but if you look at the Italian definition of the word in a dictionary it is actually something very beautiful.❞

Diana Ross

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"Where are my lucky tube socks?" Will asked.

Ben smiled sheepishly and fished out the shrunken socks from his pocket. "Well... I don't think they're so lucky anymore."

Will narrowed his eyes at his co-star. "That's not the line," He snapped, irritatedly.

Ben's brows furrowed. "...What?"

"The line was 'Honey, I shrunk the tube socks'," He reminded him sternly.

"Oh... I-I know, I'm sorry, Will. I was- I was trying something new," Ben gulped nervously, knowing these were the signs of a Will Meltdown.

"Ohh! You were just trying something new, huh?!" Will mocked him before he started trashing the kitchen set, "Yeah, why don't you try this! Is this new, huh?! Is this-" He shoved everything off the dining table, "Is this all new enough for you?! New! Ugh! I quit! I am outta here!"

Ben watched in disbelief as Eric stormed off set. Rider walked in through the kitchen backdoor.

"Cory! Eric! Guess what?" He sighed, "I blew up another mailbox," He paused, his brows furrowing when he noticed the destroyed set, "What, Will flip out again?"

"Yeah, yeah he did. What're we going to do? I mean, he's going to be hard to replace."

"Yeah, yeah you're right," Rider frowned.

Victoria stormed in through the living room door. "Did you two yahoos..." She trailed off when she noticed the set and sighed, "Will?"

"Mhm," Rider nodded, "Quit and stormed off."

"What if we put a wig on Matt?" She suggested.

The boys shared a look. "Matt!" They called.

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"Selena Solstice report to set. For the third time, Selena Solstice to set please," The set manager called over the intercom, his exasperation with the starlet clear in his tone.

Selena Solstice was one of the main stars on Kid Gets Acquainted with Universe. She played Elaine Rodriquez, the smart and smart-mouthed best friend of Rory Andrews and Shane Carpenter.

Unlike her character, who was sweet at the best of times and harmlessly mean at the worst of times, Selena was a diva. She'd been late to set more times than she'd ever been early and they couldn't get much if anything done without her since she was a main star. And she had an incredibly short fuse, most of the staff on set were too afraid to even look at her.

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