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❝Fathers and daughters have a special bond

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❝Fathers and daughters have a special bond. She is always daddy's little girl❞

Richard L. Ratliff

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1989 | Nine Years Old

Theo had finally started going to work at his usual hours. No one was happier for that than Happy, he hated attending all those meetings and rifling through endless amounts of paperwork.

Elena was currently spending most of her time between school, home, Cory's house, and oddly enough Mr. Feeny's house. Her grandmother was still staying with them and she dragged Elena along to Mr. Feeny's house on a near-daily basis now. Elena didn't mind, she got to play with the Matthews kids and when they were busy she found out Mr. Feeny wasn't as bad as they'd thought. He was actually a lot cooler outside of class or maybe that was just the Lydia effect.

Today, she'd been too busy to accompany her grandmother to Mr. Feeny's house. She had an essay due in his class ironically that she needed to finish early because she knew she would be helping Shawn and Cory with theirs later. And so, after cooking enough snacks to feed a small village Lydia left.

"I wonder how papi was never fat when he was my age?" Elena mused to herself as she munched on one of the cookies Lydia made.

If she'd grown up with Lydia constantly in the kitchen she was sure she'd have been in a food coma by now.

After an hour of procrastinating, Elena had managed to get through writing the introduction and with a proud smile decided she deserved a break. So, she closed her notebook and turned on the TV, and grinned when she saw the Looney Tunes was on.

After watching TV for way longer than she had worked she got up to get another cookie. She walked back into the living room with a smile, having heard the front door open and slam shut. She thought her father or grandmother had finally come back.

Her eyes widened when she saw Sofia standing in the living room. It had been months since the girl had last seen her mother and she wasn't sure she wanted to. She was upset that her mother had just up and left her without a thought.

She'd heard Theo telling Lydia all about what had actually happened one night. She'd snuck out of her room ten minutes after he tucked her in and crept down the stairs to listen in on their conversation. And the next day at school, she went to the library, checked out a dictionary, and looked up the meaning of the word 'affair'.

She didn't know what to do after that. So, she went to the nurse's office, pretended to have a stomach ache, and waited until Happy picked her up. She didn't tell anyone that she found out why exactly her mother had left but she hugged her father tighter that day. She thought it would make him feel better even if he didn't know why.

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