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❝A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others

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❝A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.❞

Frank Morgan

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𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟖 ▬▬ 𝟏𝟕 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐎𝐋𝐃

13th February

9:00 AM

Shawn's head shot up and he grimaced clutching the back of his head in pain from where he'd bumped it against the roof of his locker. Ignoring the pain he turned around to listen in on the conversation two boys from one of his classes —which he probably skipped— were having.

"Yeah, I have it all planned out. It's going to be perfect," The boy smiled confidently.

"You really think Elena Martinez is going to say yes? Dude, she probably has a line of guys asking her out already!" His friend laughed.

"The difference between me and those guys is she already said yes," He smirked.

He and Elena were in the same Art class and they always talked about their drawings and paintings — Bonding over their similar taste and love for the subject. He'd asked her to be his Valentine's date during said class, although he was entirely expecting her to say no simply because of Shawn Hunter. The whole school knew about Elena Martines and Shawn Hunter. But to his surprise and delight, she'd said yes.

Shawn glared at the two before squaring his shoulders and walking towards them angrily. Who did this loser think he was asking Shawn's girl to be his Valentine's date?!

"Hey!" He barked and the two stopped walking and turned in the direction of his voice. Shawn glared at the boy, "You asked Elena out?"

"Yeah," He smiled at the mention of his date but his smile soon fell off when Shawn's glare only hardened.

"Don't." He told him simply, his tone harsh.

"What?" Jason asked him in confusion, "Who do you think you are-"

He was cut off by Shawn taking a threatening step closer to him. "Look, I have class in five minutes and I promised Lena I'd try to make my classes on time so let's make this quick. You were thinking of taking Elena out but now you're not. You're going to cancel and be a real gentleman about it or I'm going to knock your head off."

Shawn smiled a sickly sweet smile and patted his shoulder as though they were old friends before walking down the hall towards his class. He walked with a spring in his step as he ignored the girls giggling and waving at him, they never stood a chance next to Elena — Not to Shawn.

He didn't know Heather Chandler and Veronica Sawyer, the biggest gossips of the school, saw the whole thing happen.

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