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❝You can't buy love, but you can pay heavily for it

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❝You can't buy love, but you can pay heavily for it.❞

Henny Youngman

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1993 | 13 Years Old

"What is this?" Sofia gave her husband an unimpressed look as he threw a stack of papers towards her.

"Can't you read?" Theo snarked as he pulled a pen out of his breast pocket and dropped it on top of the papers.

"What the hell is this, Theo?" She scoffed as she turned to him with a fiery glare.

"Again, can't you read?" He raised a brow coolly as a smirk made its way onto his face.

He was clearly enjoying getting under her skin like she had done to him so many times before.

"Divorce papers?" She growled as she held them up in a tight grip, "You want to divorce me?"

"That is the point of divorce papers, I mean, it's in the name."

"Ugh!" She stood up with a huff as she threw the papers to the ground like a petulant child, "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Something I should have done a long time ago," He snapped as he picked the papers up and held them out to her forcefully, his glare unwavering.

Sofia stared at him in shock as her mind went a mile a minute. She'd never thought he would ever even think about a divorce let alone have the paperwork all ready to go. She had to come up with a way to get him to change his mind because if he divorced her then she would have nothing.

She remembered bitterly the days leading up to her wedding. Happy and Lydia had never liked her but they did their best to act happy for Theo's sake since he'd been adamant about marrying her. She knew they didn't like and she'd never cared, soon enough she was going to be Mrs. Theo Martinez and they all knew they couldn't do a thing to stop it.

She played the part of sweet and innocent when Theo was around and bared her teeth and fiery glares once his back was turned. Happy had tried to talk Theo out of marrying her numerous times but Theo always brushed him off, not knowing how much he would come to regret that.

Thankfully, Happy had never been one to listen to Theo even if he was his boss. He'd long given up on trying to get Theo to give up on Sofia and instead focused his attention on the soon-to-be bride. He'd managed to trick her into signing an ironclad prenup which would leave her high and dry if Theo ever saw enough sense to divorce her. Or if Sofia ever decided to divorce him and rob him blind which he thought was more than likely.

Sofia could still remember the smug grin on Happy's face when he told her the details of the prenup she'd just signed. Well, everything she wouldn't be getting to be exact. She'd be thrown out of the lap of luxury that she'd become so accustomed to.

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