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❝We try so hard to hide everything we're really feeling from those who probably need to know our true feelings the most

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❝We try so hard to hide everything we're really feeling from those who probably need to know our true feelings the most.❞

Colleen Hoover

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"Hey yourself," Elena spoke slowly as she stared up at River in shock.

"This seat taken?" He asked as he pulled out the seat next to her.

"No," She shook her head as she watched him with furrowed brows, "What are you doing?"

"Sitting down," He laughed nonchalantly as he tapped her nose playfully, "Weren't you supposed to be the smart one?"

"We broke up," She reminded him slowly as she tried to make sense of what was happening.

"So?" He shrugged as he raised a brow, "We were friends before we started dating... Unless you don't want to be friends anymore?"

"No!" She shook her head immediately, "That's not what I meant. I just didn't know that's how breakups worked," She laughed quietly.

"They don't always," He nodded before he smiled at her, "But I think we can do it."

"Yeah, yeah I think so too," She smiled brightly at him and pulled him for a hug, "Thank you."

River laughed as he gave her a squeeze. "Don't worry about it, hermosa."

She laughed at the nickname she hadn't heard in so long before she paused. "Are you sure you're okay with being friends?"

"Yeah. We broke up because of something you don't have any control over," He explained with a small smile, "Besides, I lov- care about you enough to want you in my life even if it's just as friends."

Before they could continue talking about it, the bell rang and the teacher began the lesson.

But, as had become usual for Elena, she wasn't paying attention. She was too busy thinking about everything River had just told her. She found herself smiling to herself as her thoughts slowly turned to Shawn.

She'd been too scared to tell him of her feelings because she was scared of what would happen to their friendship if their relationship didn't work out. But River had just proven to her that she wouldn't lose her best friend if she lost her boyfriend.

And she and Shawn had been friends way longer than she'd even known River. So, if she can still be friends with River after their break up then surely she and Shawn could continue to be best friends. Maybe telling Shawn about her feelings wasn't something to be so scared of.

Maybe Elena and Shawn wouldn't end up like her parents.

They'd be better. And if they couldn't be then they'd at least still be best friends.

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