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❝Sometimes we just fall in love with the wrong people

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❝Sometimes we just fall in love with the wrong people.❞


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Elena paused when she saw several people standing outside her apartment door. She sighed as she got her keys out and looked at them knowingly. "Okay, who's first?"

"She is," Auggie pointed to Riley as he read off the schedule in his hands, "Dad, do you have an appointment?"

"No, I'm a walk-in."

"It's not hard to schedule an appointment y'know," Auggie complained with a huff, "Makes a lot of lives easier!"

"Sorry, Cor, we're packed today. Feel free to read one of our waiting room magazines," Elena gestured to the array of Vogue magazines she had on her coffee table as she led the group into her apartment.

"You wouldn't have to wait if you made an appointment," Auggie grumbled as he wrote Cory's name down at the end of the schedule.

"Well, Auggie, who's next on the list?" Cory asked his son as he tried to get a glance at the schedule.

"Maya, then Farkle, then Lucas, then Zay," He listed before giving him an unimpressed look, "And then the walk-in's."

"Well, can't you bump me up on that there list," He suggested with a charming smile, "Y'know, for your good old buddy Dad."

Auggie stared at him blankly. "Walk-in's go at the end of the line."

"But I'm your father!" Cory whined as he crossed his arms childishly.

"But you didn't make an appointment," Auggie snapped.

"Okay, while they figure that out we can figure whatever's going on in Rileytown," Elena smiled fondly at her Goddaughter and led her into her office, "So, what's up buttercup?"

"Triangle," She answered simply as she threw her head into Elena's lap with a heavy sigh.

"Awe, monkey," Elena cooed as she ran her hand through Riley's hair comfortingly.

'Monkey' had been Elena's nickname for Riley seemingly since she had been born.

"I really like Lucas but so does Maya and I care more about my friendship with her than a relationship with Lucas," Riley explained sadly, "I don't want to hurt her but I don't want to be hurt either," She slowly sat up and her eyes widened, "Does that make me selfish."

Elena chuckled softly as she wrapped an arm around Riley, pulled her close, and kissed the top of her head. "Monkey, you don't even know the meaning of the word. If you were selfish then this triangle wouldn't be happening right now."

"What am I supposed to do?" She asked innocently, "Dad always asks you what to do and he's doing great. Tell me what to do."

"I wish I could but you're not Cory," Elena sighed, "And this is something you need to fix on your own."

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