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❝My heart is, and always will be, yours❞

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❝My heart is, and always will be, yours❞

Jane Austen

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River showed the group of friends a photo of his grandparents as they exited Mr. Feeny's class. Mr. Feeny had asked the class to bring in any family mementos from World War II for their discussion on Pearl Harbor. He thought it would help show them how the war was not just a point in history, but an event that touched everyone's lives.

"They look so in love," Elena smiled as she looked down at the photo of the happy couple.

"They still are," River smiled proudly, "You know he asked her to marry him on December 7th, 1941."

"The day the United States entered World War II," Elena pointed out knowingly even though they'd literally just been told that by Mr. Feeny only minutes ago.

Shawn nodded appreciatively, a smile forming on his face at how well she knew him.

Cory's brows furrowed. "Wait. So how old were they when they got married?"

"They were our age," River answered before a black cat roaming the halls caught his attention, "Hey, kitty, are you lost?" He cooed as he scooped the cat into his arms.

Elena couldn't help but take a step back from him and the cat.

"Since when do you not like cats?" River asked her with a raised brow.

"He's cute and all," She shrugged but refused to step closer, "But when your Abuelita spends 16 years telling you horror stories about 'bad luck black cats' you just learn to stay away."

"Oh, come on, Elena," Topanga sighed, "You don't really believe that, do you? I mean look at the little guy, he's so cute!" She cooed as she rubbed the cat's head gently.

"Do I believe that my Great Tia Mirtha really broke her hip because my Abuelita saw a black cat two weeks before it happened? No. But do I believe that I shouldn't touch random animals when I don't know where they've been? Yes," She answered.

At that, everyone but Shawn realized she was right. So, River handed the cat over to Shawn, who'd been eagerly awaiting a turn to hold him. With his hands now free, Elena handed him back the photo of his grandparents.

"You know, my grandpa never knew if he'd make it home, but that's the way it was back then," River shrugged, "People never knew how their lives would turn out."

"I don't know how I'd handle living back then," Shawn sighed as he scratched the cat's head, "You know, I wonder what it was like during World War II."

The cat, Salem Saberhagen, was actually a witch who'd tried to take over the world and was punished to spend the next 100 years as a cat. But he still had his powers so he decided he'd let Shawn see exactly what it was like during World War II. 

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