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❝We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses

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❝We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses.❞

Alphonse Karr

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"And as this will be the last presidential election in which you do not cast a ballot, I want this classroom to be an open forum to discuss the issues which most concern your lives," Mr. Feeny strolled over to Shawn's desk, "Mr. Hunter, what issue most concerns your life?"

"The issue that Elena won't be my girlfriend-" Shawn paused and a dreamy smile grew on his face, "Wait. She is. Elena Martinez is my girlfriend! How am I doin'?"

"Boffo, Mr. Hunter," He sighed, "But I do congratulate you on your budding relationship with Miss Martinez. Word of advice, do not hurt her. Lydia has a machete she is very... eager to use."

"Yeah, she almost took my head off with it when she found out I'm the reason Elena has blue hair," Cory sighed as he rubbed his neck in fear before he raised his hand.

"That was a fun day," Elena nodded with a warm smile.

"Yeah, for you maybe!" Cory huffed as he narrowed his eyes at her, his hand still raised.

Mr. Feeny paused, wondering if he was seeing things before reluctantly calling on him. "Mr. Matthews?"

"Yes," He smiled, "Actually, there is a pressing social matter which I feel equipped to discuss with confidence and alacrity."

Mr. Feeny was stunned but smiled soon. "Oh, well, then you have the floor, Mr. Matthews."

Cory frowned and shook his head. "Nah, that used me up."

"Miss Martinez?" Mr. Feeny asked pleadingly.

"A pressing issue in my life?" She repeated as she took a moment to think, "Ooh, I know! My boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss him if I'm not wearing heels. What should I do?"

"Punch him in the stomach, and when he keels over in pain, kiss him," Someone suggested.

"Tackle him," Cory turned to her as though it was the obvious answer.

"Kick him the shins," Topanga suggested casually, as though that was a normal thing to do.

"Dump him," Ronnie Waterman smiled charmingly, "And date me instead."

"You're taller than Shawn," Elena reminded him with furrowed brows.

"So?" He shrugged nonchalantly.

"No!" Shawn silenced the class with his shriek, "No to all of those! Just ask me to lean down!"

Elena paused for a moment before she frowned and nodded to Cory and Topanga. "But their suggestions are more fun."

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