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❝​​There'll be happiness after you

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❝​​There'll be happiness after you

But there was happiness because of you

Both of these things can be true❞

Happiness | Taylor Swift

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The University of Pennbrook. That was the newest chapter in Elena Martinez's life and she really hoped this chapter would end better than the last.

While she was excited about this new experience she was equally as scared. But she pretended she wasn't scared, pretended that nothing fazed her and that she was calm, cool, and collected all the time. Because she figured if she pretended for so long then at some point it was bound to become true.

She and Topanga were going to be roommates, that was good. It was familiar in a sense, like a safety blanket. It helped her deal with all the changes happening in her life.

Too much change was bad. She didn't really like change, might even say she hated it. Most of the changes in her life had been bad or led to something bad. Her mother, Shawn, that monthly thing that puberty started— Sometimes she thought that last one was the worst.

"How do you do that?" Topanga asked as she started helping Elena sift through her polaroids to choose which ones to hang up.

Elena knew what she meant but hoped playing dumb would get her out of the upcoming serious talk. "Do what? Look this good?" She grinned teasingly, "Can't take all the credit for that one, I think it's the only good thing my mother ever gave me," She chuckled.

Topanga gave her a stern look as she held out a photo of them together for her to hang up. "Act like you don't care," She corrected, "Like you don't... feel anything? Because I can't do that. I feel everything."

Elena looked away from her, busying herself with hanging up the photo so she wouldn't have to look at her. "It's the best way to protect your heart; pretend you don't have one. Y'know, pretend you aren't drowning in all the feelings that are making you go crazy."

Topanga stared sadly at her friend, wanting to help her but not knowing how. Then she remembered something Elena had told her once, sometimes friends didn't need solutions, just comfort. So she wrapped her in a warm hug.

Elena smiled and patted her arm thankfully before she pulled away. "C'mon, let's go make sure Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber didn't get into trouble already."

The two headed out of their shared room and out into the hall with the other new students.

"Hey, look, Peaches," Elena smiled when she found the boys, "I found us some college guys."

"She means us," Cory exclaimed excitedly to River and Shawn, "Well, the five of us are here at Pennbrook. We're the dream team!"

Cory's parents walked into the room to say goodbye to their son and his friends.

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