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❝My love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have for both are infinite❞

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❝My love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have for both are infinite❞

William Shakespeare

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"She's dead Mr. Bornihay," Explained Mr. Feeny as Dina laid across his table with her eyes closed "Pick up the knife and kill yourself."

"C'mon Mr. Feeny, you and I both know she's not really dead. May I please stab her a few times just to make sure?" Bornihay asked him but as soon as he said that Dina shot up glaring at him.

"Hey, you touch me with that knife, you better kill me the first time."

Bornihay grimaced as he squeaked, "Mr. Feeny,"

"Cory," Shawn whispered while Mr. Feeny was busy with the reenactment of Romeo and Juliet "What's the score?"

Elena, who was seated between the two boys drawing on her notebook, rolled her eyes as Cory pressed his palm closer to the earbud he'd been secretly listening to.

"Bottom of the third, two outs; Dykstra's on second, Kruk's on first. Three and two to Dalten-"

Cory was cut off by Mr. Feeny pulling his hand away from his ear and taking the earbud out.

Elena and Shawn quickly sat up in their chairs pretending they were paying attention to the lesson.

"What's this Mr. Matthews?" Mr. Feeny asked and Cory decided to play dumb.

"Huh? Wha-What'd you say, Mr. Feeny? You took my hearing-aid."

Mr. Feeny, who was all too familiar with the Matthews boy's antics, rolled his eyes before pressing the earbud into his ear, "Smoltz delivers, Daulton swings. Oh, he got a piece of that one. It's a long drive deep to center. Otis Nixon back, back to the warning track climbs up the wall, and-"

Mr. Feeny quickly turned off the radio, making Cory groan as Shawn threw his head back in frustration. Elena giggled at their misfortune.

She'd never understood baseball. However, her two best friends being boys, she was forced to watch every single game no matter how much she whined. Although on several occasions Shawn was on the brink of letting her have her way, he never could say no to her, but Cory was always there to do it for him.

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Seven Years Old

"Shawn, can I have the red crayon please?" Elena asked as she looked over at the boy who was coloring in a big red heart dedicatedly.

Although the moment she'd asked for it he immediately raised his head from his paper and held out the crayon for her.

"I meant when you were done, silly!"

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