chapter 186 - 1 in a million

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The gut-wrenching fear started to boil. I stood outside her door; my brain took a few seconds to register what I saw.

I was only gone 45 minutes.

I see rose holding jess’s hand, a few tears spilling. Orla sat on Steven’s knee, he bounced her up and down and she was giggling away. My eyes flicked to jess’s machines, they all looked normal. I sigh a little. The doors of the room next to me flung open and a bed with loads of nurse and doctors came out.

Doctor: SATs are dropping. 5gms of adrenaline, and get doctor rose on the phone now!

The person is wheeled off. Soon a young women screaming in tears walked out cradled by a young man came out.

I dropped my head; im relieved it weren't Jessie, but that much be horrible.

I walk in and sit down next to rose. I put a hand on her shoulder and give it a squeezing reassurance.

Danny: any changes?

My voice was soft and quiet

Rose: her brain scans came back, her swelling is reducing and the activity is getting higher… they said she could wake up any day to any week… soon hopefully.

Danny: that, that’s great news

Rose: yeah… yeah it is

I smile to myself and put my hand on jess’s leg. She’s a fighter, she’s my fighter. It gets late and rose and Steven leave with orla. I decide to call my management, I can’t go away now.


James: Danny

Danny: James hi, jess’s results came back and we’ve been told she would wake up any day… I can’t go away now… I know it’s not practical for the script but you’ve got to understand I need to be here for her if she wakes up…

James: that’s great news, I understand, I’ll try move stuff about it does mean we need you back on tour ASAP though Danny

Danny: anything, as soon as I know she’s ok

James: well good luck with everything, speak soon

*end of call*

I open the group chat me, mark and glen have and post a message.

Text: lads I hope you haven’t packed…

Mark: why? Whats happening?

Glen: is it Jessie?!

Danny: a brain tests came back, her swelling is coming down and her activity is higher…

Mark: wow

Glen: what does that mean?

Danny: she could wake up any day or week… but soon hopefully

Glen: wow congrats man

Mark: that’s great news! Have you let James and everyone know?

Danny: yep, he’s moving stuff about

Glen: so happy for you man

Danny: can you let hols know please glen?

Glen: she knew jess’s results were back today, she left about 20 minutes ago she should be there any minute

Danny: ahh ok, well I better go, see you soon!

Mark: bye, give my best to jess

Glen: bye dan, thoughts with you and Jessie!

I close my phone and sigh. I believe she’ll wake up. I know she will. I always have. It seems more realistic now though.

Holly soon arrives and she has tommy with her.

Holly: hi dan

Danny: hey holly

I smile

Holly: by your smile is it good news?

I nod

Holly: eek, oh sorry tommy wanted to come see you and give you a hug

Danny: awh, come here little man

He ran over and I picked him up. He gave me a big hug and sat him on my knee

Holly: been pestering too see uncle danny for ages haven’t you, hu?

He nodded

Danny: awh, I’ve missed you too bud

I explained the news to holly and she had happy tears.

Holly: this is great news Danny

Danny: yeah it is, although still a long way to go

Holly: what do you mean?

Danny: well, she is still on chemo which she has to make it through… I spoke to Skyler after rose and Steven left this evening and she gave me a brief idea of what doctor Belgrave had said, basically the few days estimate is about if she were battling cancer but the chemo is still draining and we don’t get her cancer results back until next week… and if she wakes up and beats cancer she still has to have transplants and radio therapy and allsorts…. She has a long way to go

Holly: Danny, this news about her swelling and activity all shows that she can make it through, she just needs time-

Danny: we don’t have time

I say looking at tommy that was asleep in my arms

Danny: the longer she is in this coma the more of Jessie slips away

Holly: Danny, she will be fine, she’s stronger than we all think

Danny: I god daym hope so…

I sigh a bit

Danny: it’s her birthday in just over a week; she has been in this coma since New Year’s… 

Holly: oi, if she weren’t going to make it, she wouldn’t of held on this far

Danny: it just seems like we get a little hope and then something bad happens, so im not going to get my hopes up anymore… I still believe in her and I believe she will wake up just im not going to start throwing parties just yet…




Holly: she’s lucky to have you, you know Danny…

I look up, she’s looking at Jessie

Holly: what you’ve done for her, stood up to her parents, to Rachel, not left her side…

Danny: im the lucky one holly, she’s 1 in a million… she’s my 1 in a million. I don’t know what I’ll do without her…

Holly: she really is 1 in a million, don’t let your mind over play and think things Danny… just keep the facts, she still has a chance, she is getting stronger every day. Every day she gets a little better. You just have to take one day at a time…

I nod. One day at a time. I remember Jessie saying that. It sounds so simple and easy… but days like these seem to drag and become harder and harder…



***I don’t know if any of you have sussed my plan but all im saying is you going to hate me for the ending… sorry ;) not long now! Please comment, vote and fan :D xx***

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now