chapter 54 - Valentines

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today is valentines day, and its jess's scan, its going to be her 19/20 week scan i think. she was meant to be coming back to london for the scan but her tour manager won't let her because she won't get back in time and because he's a prick. so ive decided to surprise her, by going up there and meeting her to go to the hospital. she doen't know im coming but holly does, it'll also be nice because we can spend valentines together. glen's coming with me as well to see holly, she doesn't know about it though she thinks only im coming. im brought out of my thoughts by a knock at the door, i get up and open it, it was glen. and as the past how ever many weeks floods of paps, im getting really sick of them now. i make both me and glen tea and sit down at the island.

danny: whats up?

glen: not much, excited to be going to see my girl!

danny: same....

glen: whats bothering you?

danny: *sigh* no.

glen: dan?

danny: im just worried about the baby, all this pressure on jess can't be good and you know what happened last time...

glen: the baby will be fine, so will jess. they are both strong! come on lets get going... i love glen, he always has the words to cheer me up, we downed our teas and walked out. we grabbed a cab and headed to the air port. holly had arranged for her, jess and clair to have separate room instead of one like the normally do. just so me and jess can have some privacy but i think its holly and glen who need the piracy more than us! haha

we arrive and we get our bags out and pay the driver before checking in and looking about in the shops. i grabbed and cream super soft bunny with long ears for the baby before boarding the plane. we sat in standard class for a change as it was only a 45 minute flight. some people recognized us and we signed them some things and took photos with them, before we landed. i called holly to ask for the address of the hotel so i could drop my stuff of first.

*call to holly*

holly: hey dan, whats up?

danny: what the address and room number of the hotel so i can drop my stuff off?

hollyy: um, room number 678 and address, its the Manchester rock hotel...

danny: original name hu?

holly: i know right, we are all going to be in the bar so she won't see you. she's going to be leaving in about 10 minutes or so...

danny: ok now on my way see you soon...

holly: bye

danny: bye

*end of call*

glen: did she suspect anything?

danny: nope, come on lets go... we jumped in another cab and headed straight to the hotel. we arrived and grabbed a key to jess's room, and asked the lady for one to hollys, after a bit of persuading she gave us one and we ran and dumped out bags. we then casually walked down to the bar. non of them had noticed us, we sat next to them at the bar,

danny: ill have a coke please?

glen: me too please?

bar tender: sure... he got us our drinks, and we sat looking at the girls non of them noticing us here.

danny: so nice to feel welcome hu glen, maybe we should go back home?

glen: yeah maybe we should... i watched them all turn round, jess's face dropped and she leaped and hugged me, so did holly but hugging glen.

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now