chapter 56 - God Parents

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i woke up, danny had forgotten to close the blinds as the sun was pepping through. i got up and closed them for him before walking into the lounge. i made a tea with that shocking cheep kettle and tea before just sitting down in silence thinking. theres so much that needs doing before this baby comes, names, room, stuff for the baby, christening, god parents but then again we don't know whats going to happen yet. i still have questions that need answering, its 9am ill call doctor kasabowski.


doctor: hello, doctor kasabowski how can i help?

jess: hi, doctor kasabowski, its jessie.

doctor: oh hi jessie what can i do for you?

jess: well i have some questions about this decease thing...

doctor: oh yes, im sorry! what do you want to know?

jess: well what are the chances of me losing the baby?

doctor: well, the closer to the due date lower the chance.

jess: ok, and what are the chances of me not making it through labour?

doctor: well again that depends. this decease can throw up all complications but because of your heart and your body not being super strong you are at a higher chance, but you still have a high chance of being ok...

jess: oh ok...

doctor: im sorry jess i really am! if anyone deserve this child to be ok, its you and danny!

jess: thanks! another thing, is there anything i can do to up my chances of me and the baby surviving?

doctor: not really, just don't over work yourself, get lots of rest, just try and not stress the baby out to much...

jess: ok thanks so much!

doctor: its ok jessie anytime!

jess: bye.

doctor: bye.

*end call*

so im high chance of not surviving this, great! i need to take my tablet, i get up and rummage in my bag, i get the pills, my phone and the picture. i sit back down and take them before going on my phone, i had a text of clair and holly,

from clair:

hey babe, im so sorry about the baby thing! but congratulations on having a girl!!! ill meet you down for breakfast about 10ish? love you always here for a chat!! :* clair xxxx

text back to clair:

hey babe, thanks so much! yeah ill see you down there!:) jessie xxxx

from holly:

jess im so sorry about everything!!! here if you need me!! see you at breakfast:) hols xxxxxxxxxx

text to holly:

thanks babe! see you there about 10ish i think :) jess xxxxxxxxxx

i close my phone and look at the picture, a tear comes to my eye. i wipe it away and decided on having a shower. i turn the shower on and wait for it to heat up before getting undress and getting in. i let the warm water hit my skin for a minuet everything seemed to slip away until, a thump came from my bump. woah that felt weird, it kinda hurt! it went again hurting more this time,

jess: DANNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i screamed holding my tummy, he came rushing in and helped my out of the shower and sat me on the toilet, he wrapped a towel round me.

danyy: what is it!?

jess: oh right.... oh well i think the baby is kicking and its hurting before the lining is thinging so its saw... the medicine hasn't kicked in yet...

danny: you scared the fucking day lights out of me!

jess: aww sorry look feel... i grabbed his hand and placed it where the last kick was, and as if on cue, thump!

danny: aww wow! shes got a kick aint she!

jess: i know right, it hurts n all!!

danny: awww! we sat there for a bit before it was nearly time for breakfast, i finished my shower. i could really feel her moving about, i thikn thats good right?. i hopped out and danny got in. i found some clothes that would cover me and did a light layer of make up and tied my hair up. i grabbed the photo and me and danny walked hand in hand to the lift.

jess: babe?

danny: yes?

jess: are we going to christening the baby?

danny: id like to, you?

jess: yeah, so i was thinking about godparents?

danny: um well, how about.... holly, clair, glen and mark?

jess: yeah! we can ask them now...

danny: i was also thinking about moving house, somewhere bigger so we still have a spear room and somewhere better for the baby?

jess: yeah, id like that! i kissed him and found the table where the others were sat. this medicine give you a right lift, everything seems great amazing! i love it, its been awhile since i felt like this!

*danny* well jess's medicine has defiantly kicked in she so happy and excited, it nice! we sit down and they all look at us,

jess: do we have something on our faces?! (sarcastically)

holly: no no just you seem... very happy!?

jess: because i am!

clair: going to tell us why?

jess: my gorgeous baby girl was kicking this morning and scaring both of us and we have some news....

glen: aww thats sweet!

holly: shut up glen, whats the news? we all laugh,

glen: love you too! jess doesn't answer just with a smug grin gets up and grabs a plate of food, i follow leaving them all wondering. (its a buffet). we sit down and they haven't moved me and jess just eat.

clair: this is the bit where you say what the news is...

danny: what one do you want to say?

jess: you tell the guys, ill tell the girlies...

holly: cut to it!

danny: ok, you go first...

jess: ok, but i fancy some bacon so im going to go get some more... i guess it the cravings, new on though. she gets up closely followed by holly and clair. i turn to glen,

danny:so how would you feel about being a godparent to my gorgeous baby?

glen: really? id love to man thats great!!!

danny: yeah, you, holly, mark and clair...

glen: aww mate thanks! i fell so privileged! d

anny: its ok thanks for being here for me, right got to call mark...

*call to mark, on speaker*

mark: hey dan, whats up?

danny: hey mark, so i have some news...

mark: go on...

danny: well me and jess are having a baby girl!!!

mark: wow man that great! congratulations!!! jess is going to have a mini me and your going to be out numbered!

danny: ahah yeah but i have more news...

mark: yea?

danny: how would you feel about being one of the godparents?

mark: really?!

danny: yeah!

mark: id love to!!!

danny: i thought so...

mark: who else is? excited screams came form the girls, i guess they know...

danny: well glen and guessing from that screaming holly and clair said yes...

mark: wow! i could hear lil calling him in the back ground.

mark: sorry mate ive got to go...

danny: yeah its ok, ill speak to you later.

mark: bye,

danny: bye!

*end call*

the girls came and sat down, we showed them the picture they were all excited!

holly: so are you guys coming to see the show tonight?

danny: are we aloud?

jess: of course!

danny: then sure, ill be there!

glen: yeah, sure! we get ready and head of to the arena. jess has sound checks for 3 and 1/2 hours while me, glen, holly and clair hanged out in the games room thing that had been set up. once she had checked everything she came and laid down for a rest. she was cuddled up to me and i had my hands on the baby, she would kick every so often, it was so sweet and perfect. holly, clair and glen had gone to the cafe to get us all coffees and something to eat. jess started to stir, she stopped and started again. she started sweating and mumbling, i tried to calm her down, she seemed to get more worked up. she started screaming, and breathing really quickly! it got worse and worse, i started to panick, i shook her and tried to wake her,

danny: jess baby, wake up please?! nothing, she was screaming, and really short breathed. this really can't be good on her or the baby. i was really panicking. i didn't know what to do, shaking her didn't work,

danny: Jess!? jess please please please wake up your scaring me!!!! holly, glen and glen came rushing back,

holly: we heard screaming whats happened?!!?!?!?

danny: jess jess is having a nightmare and screaming but i can't wake her up, i couldn't breath.


danny: help her....

holly: shit, right sit her up, i did as she said. she started talking straight to her but nothing happened she was shaking, and screaming.

holly: hang on, what was it that the doctor did when she was in hospital years ago, clair?!

clair: oh um yeah, um i can't remember. oh try slapping her?

holly: i can't do that! they all look at me

danny: don't look a me, i can't slap or hit her!

glen: do something!!! she started to kick about. she was still screaming, sweating, fidgiting, breathing really, really quick and short!

clair: i can't watch this happen, i don't want to but i will. this is not good for her!!! she came up and slapped her across the face. jess grasped as she woke up,

clair: im so sorry jess, but nothing else worked... jess couldn't answer she was breathing and panicing really bad!

danny: breath, breath, breath. in through the nose, out through the mouth... she followed what i did and after about five minuets of us all shit scared she calmed down, thats the worst ive ever seen her get!

jess: t-t-t-t-thank y-y-you!!

danny: you ok now?

jess: i t-think so... it seemed so real!!

holly: here have something to drink... she handed the coffees out and jess was clinging to me, i think it really scared her! she seems really shaken up!

danny: do you want to say what happened?

jess: i was in a hospital but it was dark and i could her our baby crying i followed the sound and saw ben and jack. they had her and you and... her breathing started to quicken and shorten.

danny: shhh shhh its ok its ok, it was just a nightmare... we all sat in silence, me and jess cuddling. jess had to go shower to get ready and we were aloud into vip area at the from of the stage. she came on, and had her amazing smile plastered on, i could tell she wanted to be up there but at the same time didn't. she had like 10 outfit changes and once she was finished we headed back to the hotel. jess wanted to get an early night.

*jessie* i keep getting them nightmares its always the same one in a hospital. todays was the worse though, i was really panicking, i hate it. im glad clair woke me up. my cheek stings still a bit but its better than that dream. i have just over another month on tour until im off, for quite awhile. its been nice seeing danny. im going to ask him to stay with me on tour, for abit cause its hard not having him arround. i don't know what would have happened if danny wasnt at the hospital with me!...

*10 weeks later, jess is back form tour*

im laying in bed its, about 10:30am. danny has gone to work, and im being lazy today. im slowly brushing my finger tips of the baby, it seems to clam her down. i get another camp, which seem to be happening alot but apparently its all just to do with this complication thing. i decided to get up, i roll out of bed since thats the only way i can now get up. i hear the post man put the letters through the door, closely followed by jackson barking.

jess: JACKSON, SHUT UP!! he's gorgeous and cute but for such a little dog he's so noisy! i grab the post and get a glass of water, i spot a important one from the prison. i open it,


dres miss cornish,

mr ben ashby has requested a visit from you. you do not have to attend but he has asked. we can understand if you wish not to come. the appointment is at 9am on thursday 18th april. we are also writing to let you know thta mr ben ashby is being released in 10 months time.

yours sincerely,

inspector george whitehall.

wow, that soon. i don't think i can face seening him again. not that soon anyway. i stash the letter in my bag and call holly, ive decided on holly, clair, rachel and hanna as my maids of honour and danny is having mark and glen as his best men.

*call to holly*

holly: hey babe whats up?

jess: not much i thought we could do a little wedding planing today, i have like 8 hours till me and dan have to look at this house and he at work till then?

holly: yeahhhhhh! ill be there 20 minuets... byeeee!

jess: ahah bye!

*end of call*

*20 minuets later*

the door went followed by jackson barking again! i let holly in and we sat down in the lounge.

holly: so lets make a list of everything that we need to sort out...

jess: ok well theres,


venue then and after,



page boys,



my dress,



the rings,







cake i think thats all...

holly: ok, well do you have a venue you would like? and a date?

jess: well i would like the church where danny's dad is burried but that can't happen something to do with the church i don't know so i think we decided on one thats in Essex you know down the road from where my parents are?

holly: oh yeah its gorgeous there, date?

jess: id like it to be in may but i depends on what they have, next year of course!

holly: aha ok here the number call them...

*call to church*

lady: hello st marry's church how can i help?

jess: hi, um i was wondering about booking a date for a wedding?

lady: yeah sure when would you like it to be arround?

jess: well what do you have for may next year?

lady: um i can do the 14th?

jess: um yeah, can i book my wedding for the 14th may next year?

lady: yeah sure can i have the name of the bride and groom please?

jess: yesh sure, jessica cornish and daniel o'donoghue.

lady: oh my god your jessie j and your marrying danny from the script?!

jess: yeah...

lady: ok well thats booked in you just need to pop down here so we can go over a few more details... ok?

jess: ok thanks for your help!

lady: no worries bye.

jess: bye.

*end of call*

jess: ahhhh im getting married 14th may next year!!!!

holly: ahhhh!!! we plan and plan and plan. theres still a lot to do but we got a load done today. holly left and danny got back, we got ready to go look round this house.


me and jess are now off to go look at this house. its close enough to her parents so they can baby sit, its near the studios, and its not in the middle of london. we arrive and an estate agent shows us round, we then have time by ourselves. its gorgeous, old look to it. it needs decorating but i can see jess's creative mind ticking away!

danny: what you think?

jess: i love it!!!

danny: i do too! lets go get it then! we walk out hand in hand and sign aload of forms and we could pick the keys up tomorrow which is amazing!! we get back in the car, when i noticed glens car parked across the street, he's in it to. i get out and knock on his window,

glen: he mate what you doing here?!

danny: looking at a house, well buying a house what you doing here?!

glen: we just brought that house over there, holly's now finishing the paper work...

danny: woah freaky we brought that one next door...

glen: no way, we looked round there and said you too would like it!

danny: aha freaky!

glen: yeah!

danny: i better get going, jess i'll be getting hungry, ill speak to you guys later...

glen: ok bye!

i got back in my car and smiled over at jess.

danny: i have something that i think will make you like the house better...

jess: what?

danny: glen and holly have now just brought the house next door...

jess: oh my god really?!?!

danny: yeah that why they were here, freaky hu?

jess: yeah!!! we drove home and i cooked us some dinner before we snuggled up with jackson between as normal, and fell asleep. the past few weeks have been, happy, dramatic, every emotion you could ever feel. i think i definitely have, felt them all! and jess. i pulled he closer and felll into a deep sleep.

*******sorry it took so long to update. lots of people have this best friend living next door in their stories and i think there are alot of story twists that can come from it.... please comment thoughts and any ideas before i get into the more serious bits...:) please vote and fan:) xx******

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