chapter 173 - eulogy

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Holly is here today,

Holly: um Danny?

Danny: yeah?

I look up at her; she is studying jess’s face.

Holly: d-id jess… sorry it’s stupid of course she did… doesn’t matter

Danny: what is it?

Holly: jess asked me to write her a eulogy… I wanted her to hear it first- you know see if she liked it and give me tips… but…

Danny: do you have it?

She nodded

Holly: did you write one?

I look down

Danny: yeah, its shit but I started

I said shakily.

Holly: wanna read them?

Danny: ok…

She started.

Holly: I met jess when she was a Cornish, a young girl with her mind set on what she wanted, full of bounce and never letting anything get her down… I remember growing up and spending every Saturday night round rose and Steven’s. We would do girly things, bake cookies and play the odd game of monopoly which if jess didn’t win would wreak the night as she could hold a mood for sure… I’ve never met someone who was so caring but head strong…the way she would put other- even some she hadn’t met before in front of herself, she pulled me above the clouds when I felt low and comforted me when I needed it… I never thought I would have to imagine a life without jess around… I don’t know how im going to live in a world without her. I watched jess grow up and she inspired me more than anyone- I wanted to be her… I wanted to be as full of life as she was… but I know… i-I know that jess wouldn’t want me or anyone to be *deep breath*  anyone to be down, she would want us to be happy and ourselves… however hard that is… im not even sure if I can remember how to live with jess not around. Growing up we would talk and almost joke about losing each other… she said that she wouldn’t even know how to turn a light switch on if she lost me, but now it’s my turn to turn that light on and I understand I feel like I can’t… she was my light, rock and best friend! I never said thank you enough to her. If I could turn back time I would cherish every moment we had even more than I did. I will forever hold jess’s love in my heart and remember the bold, smiling, funny jess that was take way before she needed to be…

She broke down into tears. Gasping for air. I went round and pulled her into a hug.

Holly: I can’t lose her, im not good at this, I need her here Danny I need her!

She choked through the tears.

Danny: holly babe, it isn’t going to come to that… jess is still holding on, she is going to come back and rip that piece of paper up right in front of your face because she isn’t ever going anywhere!

Holly: how much do you believe that though Danny? Even you know every day a little bit more of her slips away…

Danny: no, she’s coming closer…

She soon calms down to just sniffles.

Holly: go on… your turn…

Danny: it’s just a draft, it’s not finished…

She smiled a bit and I turned to look at jess. She lay there so pale and thin.

Danny: I used to think the only way I could get through the day was with a bottle of Irish whisky and 20 packets of fags… I hit a low after losing my dad, then my ex-girlfriend cheated on me and I felt like I had no need in this world. But mark and glen persuaded me into starting to sort my life out. I joined the voice and walked into the meeting room about 6 or so years ago and was greeted by sir tom jones, and then the most stunning women my eyes had ever looked at. Her bold emerald green eyes, soft but sharp jaw line, a bob that curved and fell perfectly round her face. Her smile- wow, I feel in love with her then and there. I fell in love with Jessica Cornish. We had ups and downs, but our downs always pulled us closers! On the second try she married me and gave me the most perfect daughter I could dream of. Jess became the air I needed to breathe, the bottle of Irish whisky, the packets of fags and my love. She saved me from becoming something I dread to even think about now… jess had a heart of gold, she could always find light in every dark room. Even while in hospital she made jokes and put others first. I know that even if jess is gone ill always have her with me, she gave me a little piece of her… orla. She was amazing with orla; she really was cut out to be a mum and really was cut away too soon.  There’s so much I want to say about jess and our love story as it came about to how it was in the end. But that’s ours. It will die with her now and me when its time. I just wished I could of met and loved jessie earlier because our little but long time together wasn’t enough… she held on and fought as long as she could and I will always love her and never blame her for letting go. She was my soul mate and best friend. She was the only one I didn’t have to be strong round, she could read me like a book… I do and will forever  love you Jessica O’donoghue…

I lent up and kissed her forehead as tears spilled.

Holly: wow Danny, that was beautiful

She said almost as a whisper

Danny: like I said, it’s not finished… it needs editing…

The door opened and I wiped my eyes.

Doctor Belgrave: ah Danny is Mr and Mrs Cornish here?

Danny: not at the moment, why? Do you have news?

Doctor Belgrave: I need to speak to them first…

Danny: im jess’s next of kin- her husband I deserve to know!

Doctor Belgrave: im sorry Danny, I must speak with her parents first… it’s important...

Danny: is it good or bad?

Doctor Belgrave: a bit of both, but what happens to Jessie next relies on her parent’s next decision…


****little soppy chapter, sorry again. Please comment vote and fan:Dxx****

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