Chapter 8 - Forgive Me?

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I pick jess up and put her in toms car, Tom chucked me the keys and I drove as quick as I could to the hospital, I picked jess back up and ran her in some nurses took her off me and my eyes filled with tears how could I forget her how could I let someone hurt her like this... I had been sitting there for about 2 hours when a police man came over 

officer: mr o'donoghue? 

danny: Yes what can I help you with?

Officer: its about miss Cornish

danny: yeah sure what do you wanna know?

officer: we'll its about her injuries, 

danny: ok what do you wanna know?

officer: Well how long have you know miss Cornish first?

danny: Well I have worked with her for about two weeks and have been together for about 6 weeks

officer: Ok and where were you when miss Cornish with stained these injuries?

My eyes filled with tear,

Danny: I was in Ireland as I was in a car accent and forgot a year of my life so I went of to Ireland and forgot about jess until I got a letter and I remembered everything so I got back here as quickly as I could and a man who has been harassing jess for a few weeks was there and I hit him with a rolling pin and then brought jess here,

Officer: Oh ok you said about a man harassing jess

Danny: Yes he sent her texts saying have you missed me and soon you will be mine again and soon Danny won't be here, he's the one that hit me with the car.

officer: Oh ok well I have told some of my officers to go round and pick him up, so you say you had nothing to do with the injuries jess with stained?


Officer: Ok ok well I just have to ask thank you for your time mr o'donoghue 

danny: Sorry it's ok thanks,

and with that sat back down...


I opened my eyes I was blinded by the lights my eyes adjusted and I was greeted by a voice

doctor: I see your wake now miss Cornish.

Jessie: um yes yes I am but, but-

Doctor: Your had a lot of bruises and some cuts you had lost a lot of blood and you had a huge bump on your head witch we had to monitor but it all ok now and we just have to do a few more test before you can go home.

He butted in. oh my god Danny is he ok?!

Jessie: um excuse me doctor where's danny is he ok? *panicky*

 Doctor: um mr O'donoghue yes he is here he's ok ill just go get him for you,

Jessie: ok thanks and he walked off... ...

I then heard a warm Irish accent say

Danny: jess baby your up, oh my god I'm so sorry I forgot you please forgive me?

Jessie: Danny I love of course I forgive you I'm sorry,

 and he joined me on the bed and we were cuddling for ages until the nurse came through and told me I could go home but I was to take it easy,

jessie: thank you nurse

and we got out of the bed and grabbed our stuff and head back to Danny's. we pulled up at his and got out of the car and went inside and put on love actually and snuggled up on the sofa, I put my phone on charge and texted will and Tom to tell them I was ok and to pop over tomorrow if they wanted.

Danny: So jess I was wondering

Jessie: yes baby

Danny: well do you want to be my girlfriend?

Jessie: oh my god of course I would love to be you girlfriend!

I rolled over and kissed him it felt so good everything was going back to normal.

*knock knock*

Jessie: urrr who that?

Danny: I don't know ill go see

he got up and went to the door,

danny: Jess can you come through you have some visitors,

I got up and staggered through to the kitchen where I saw two police men standing there,

Officer 1:hello miss Cornish sorry to bother you but we thought you would like to know what happened to Ben

Jessie: um it's ok

I shivered just his name

Jessie: urrrrr, so what happened then?

Officer 2: we'll your Danny here gave him quite a hit and is in hospital at the moment having his cut seen to, then he will be sent to prison and won't ever be loud anywhere near you, as he breached his restraining order,

Officer 1: well we must be off good bye miss Cornish good bye mr O'donoghue,

Danny: thanks good bye.

******* please vote and comment and I've you guys have any Danny fictions I am more than willing to read them thanks xx*******

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