Chapter 113 - more than flu?

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So I'm being dragged to the doctors. I'm not scared or anything just we over the years have spent so much time in hospitals and doctors. I scrap all my hair into a messy bun and chucked a god die and sweats on. I grabbed my beanie and glasses and joined dan out in the car.

I watched the trees go past and people walking with their babies in push chairs. Trying not to slip on the frosted Icy ground. Dan was being careful as the roads were bad. But not long after about a 20 minute drive we arrived.

Dan got Orla out while I did myself. We walked in keeping our heads down and Orla covered. We would have left her at home but it's not fair on everyone who has to look after her. We had Rachel and crew and mum and dad at ours and Hanna and crew and mark and crew stayed next door with holly and glen.

We signed in, And sure enough and holly Thomas was called. We got up and went to the room we were told oh right yeah holly Thomas because of they said Jessica Cornish a lot of people would know so therefore I use holly and Clair's names.

I sat down on though hard chairs next to doctor kasabowski's desk. Dan sat with Orla on his lap next to me.

Doctor: why hello jessie! I haven't seen you guys in a while! what seems to be wrong?

Jess: no we haven't hi! um I think I have flu but dan thinks else...

Doctor: ok so Danny what do you think is wrong?

Danny: I'm not sure... I'm probably over reacting but- Jess has been passing out and collapsing, feeling really really tired, achy, having head aches and yesterday was getting really confused...

Doctor: mm ok, well let me check you over...

I got up and sat on the bed. I removed my jumper so I was down to my sports bra. He put his freezing cold heart thing on my chest. I breathed deeply in and out. He the moved to my back. And once he was happy he checked my throat and everywhere else a doctor does.

Doctor: okay, well I don't think it's flu, it could be but i want to run a blood test..

Danny: what do you think it is?

Doctor: I'm not sure, it could be flu, but I just want to be sure...

He strapped my arm and pushed a London needle in. The tube filled with deep red blood. I held a cotton bud on it while he labeled it and have it to a nurse to send.

Doctor: ok, so the results should be back with in 3 weeks... I will call you when they are back and we can have a chat about the results...

I thanked the doctor and we left. He has kinda worried me now. I push it too the back of my mind. When we get back I decided to tell everyone I'm fine, not what happened they don't need to worry.

Everyone left around 3pm and me, Orla and dan sat down. We decided to open our presents. It had been a good Christmas... i think...

*****so maybe more than flu... please comment, vote and fan :D xx*****

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now