chapter 67 - laughing

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i wake up to faint beeping noise, over and over. i opened my eyes, back to the normal plain blank 4 walls. the hospital is like our second home now, we've spent so much time here in our relationship. 

hopefully i can go home today, cause well there was some complitcation getting to the bleed and stuff so i had extra surgery. which also ment ive spent an extra 2 days here, with out jess. i hate this not being able to see her! im brought out of my thoughts by the door opening,

danny: JESS!! 

jess: hey baby, you feeling ok?

danny: now your here! she hugged me,

danny: wheres little one?

jess: shes with aunite holly... 

danny: ahhh how have you been?

jess: ok, apart from we had a run in with some paps but holly saved us... how have you been, your the one thats been through brain surgery?

danny: aww sorry, yeah i feel alot better. can we go?

jess: yeah the nurse just signed you out, come on. 


i helped danny out to the car, im so happy to see him! im just glad he is ok! we got back and cuddled on the saof. soon holly brought orla back, i fed her. im still breast feeding her, but sometimes if we are going out or something i make a bottle up. once she was finnished i burped her. i laided her on her toy mat, she now about 3 to 4 weeks old, she still had this thing of eating her feet. i played about with her toys, trying to get her to laugh properly. she has done that small baby noises and baby smile thing but not proper one.

jess: are you going to smile for mummy? are you? are you? 

i made my self laugh. mmm what can i do? i know she's young but still i can try... i tried funny faces, funny voices everything...i got it! i got up and found my phone, i got the big butts song up. it worked in an episode of friends. i started dancing about and singing in a stupid voice...


hold the fuck up! did she just do that?!


 he came runnning and i did it again, she laughed. awww wow i had happy tears,

jess: whos a clever girl? hey? hey?

danny: aww clever girl, yes yes! 

we laughed about doing it again a few more times just cause we found it enertaining. once we had finished we bathed her and put her to bed, before going to bed ourselves i was knackered!!

danny: i love you!

jess: i love you too! 

*****sorry its short and shit will update again soon. please comment vote and fan:) xx*****

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now