Chapter 49 - Sleep Over

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Danny and Jess have been home for awhile, they picked Jackson up from the dog sitters on the way back. now and Danny is leaving for the scripts tour this morning....


Baby are you sure you will be ok? I ask I'm so worried something will happen,

Babe, i know your worried but I'm fine now. I feel great, i have a new album coming out so my music is great, i have the best friends ever, i have the best family ever and best of all i have you... She said kissing me,

I know but you said that last time... I said still worried,

Yes i know and I'm sorry but i will be fine me and holly are going to relax, shop and talk about you and glen, she said winking,

All good i hope, i said laughing and kissing her again, i heard the car beep outside. I grabbed my suitcase and two bags and put them in the boot,

Hey mark, hey glen! Jess called waving,

Hey Jess! They called back,

Look after him for me! She said smiling,

We will, we will! They said laughing, i got in the car and me and Jess blew each other a kiss before the car pulled away...

Oh my god i cant wait this is going to be great, we haven't toured in ages! Mark said all excited,

Yeah! I replied and looked out the window.

-------- 2 weeks into the tour------


*sigh* me and Jackson are snuggled on the sofa, its 7am. Since my work has been cut down to only 2-3 days of work in the studio a week, i don't really have much to do... I know girly night in!

Text to holly, Rachel and Hanna,

Hey girlies! Right girly night round mine! Bring duvets, pillows and comfy pj's! Love you jessssssss! Xxxxxxx

I soon got texts back,

From holly,

Yes this is what i need! Be there! Love you holly xxxxxxxx

Text to holly,

Missing glen by any chance? Xxxxxx

Text from rachel,

Great! See you sooooon! Xxxxx

Text from hanna,

Ok be there! Xxxxxx

Right i need to get some stuff, i pull my joggers and jumper on. I put my trainers on and out Jackson's lead on, i lock the door, and plug my head phones in. I jog down to the shop. The shop is about 15 minute jog, i arrive and tie Jackson up before getting grabbing a basket and gill it with munchies and drinks. I pay and walk back, it hard to jog with a load of bags.

I put the food away and get out cookie and cup cake ingredients, i plug my iPod in and dance about the kitchen making cookies and cup cake, with Jackson barking and howling along. I intagramed some photos and cleaned up. Wow it was now 10pm, i made my self a sandwich and set all the snacks and drinks out on the coffee table. I then found one of Danny's old tops and my super comfy red bottom and got changed.

i was in the kitchen making some tea and i heard the door fly open, that'll be holly,

jesssssssssssieeeeeeee!!! she screamed running into the kitchen and hugging me,

hooooolllllllllyyyyyyyyyy!!! i screamed hugging her back,

guess what!? she said excited,

what? i asked laughing at her excitement,

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now