chapter 59 - Holiday P2

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i wake up, and roll out of bed. the room stinks of alcohol, i waddle to the door and open it. im blinded by the light before i walk out to the liunge area. i see holly, rina, clair, rachel, hanna were all u in the lounge, rina handed me some juice.

jess: thanks.

hanna: you joining us for breakfast before the men wake up?

jess: yeah, where mum and dad?

rachel: they've gone out, taken the kids out somewhere, they left at 10....

jess: oh whats the time now?

holly: 11:30 sleepy head!

jess: aha, is it me or does anyone elses room stink of boose?

clair: im does't!

rachel: yep! kevin was hammered last night!

hanna: same!

holly: worst ive seen glen!

rina: mark could't stand!

jess: danny fell flat on his face when he came back,m what the hell were they drinking!?

rina: not a clue but a lot of it!!

jess: yeah! ill just get dressed quickly... i waddled back into the bedroom. i threw some clothes on, tied my hair into a high pony, i didnt care what i looked like. whats this pregnancy doing to me?!

we went to the breackfast hall, it was empty which was nice. we pulled some tables together and sat down. we grabbed a plate and got some breakfastbefore sitting down.

hanna: the baby?

jess: she has a kick and a half! hurts sometimes!

hanna: awww!

rachel: hows wedding coming along?

jess: well we have a date and place, but theres loads more stuff that needs doing...

rachel: where and when?

jess: that church near mum and dads on the 14th of may next year...

rina: awww!


hanna: aww our little sister is getting all grown up!!

jess: aha. i got up needing a drink, holly came too.

jess: how bad was glen last night?

holly: really bad! he was going on about some random shit, i dont know!?

jess: yeah danny said he's going to call the baby jeasus and it will be the holly one!

holly: ahaha yeah glen said something about wonderland aswell but he was slurring to much to understand! we laughed and sat back down.


i opened my eyes, wow i feel really rough! i pull the covers back and sat up. my head was throbbing, i heard something fall over in the next room. i got up and staggered into the lounge, i saw glen stumbling over the chair. i laughed and he looked up,

danny: feeling rough too?

glen: you bet what even happened last night?

danny: im not sure i remember leaving and getting to a club then nope dunno? i got some water and rummaged though jess's bag for the pain killers, there was a letter in there. i could really focus on the writting it said something about ben being realsed and a viewing on the 18th, today... i stuffed it back and took the pain killers, i gave some to glen too. why didn't she tell me? i guess this is why she wanted to go away... ill ask her about it later she must have a reason for not telling me. ill ask her when we get back i dont want to rewen the holiday... i felt so rough! my eyes were aching! i looked at glen, he had a huge bump and bruise on his head.

danny: glen, what happened to ye head?

glen: i was about to ask ye the same thing?!

i put my hand to my head and regretted it, ouch! i had a lump aswell!

danny: oh... i remember getting into the cab on the way home and us all falling on you and us head butting..

glen: aha oh yeah... mark soon followed by kevin then jacob came and joined us.

danny: any of you remember what happened last night?!

mark: nope something about spoil sport and shit?!

kevin: no a clue!

jacob: no just falling over and nearly into a river?!

glen: yeah, danny was like follow the rabit to wonderland by jumping off the bridge!

danny: yeah...

mark: im hungry lets go get food!! we all staggered down to the food room area, not bothering what we looked like. we saw all the girls sitting down, and as we all walked in looking rough the girls turned to look and laugh. we sat down and all of us had our hands on our heads. they laughed,

jess: babe how you feeling?

danny: not good! not good!

jess: aww well im just letting you know we are not calling the baby jesus!

danny: what?

jess: last night?!

danny: i can't remember a thing!

jess: well you called our baby jesus and said she was the holy one...

danny: really?!

jess: *laughs* yeah...

danny: how are my goregous girls anyway?

jess: ok, she was moving about alot last night...

danny: aww, not long they she will be moving about in our arms...

jess: no, so what happened last night then?

danny: not a clue!

jess: mark, glen, jacob, kevin. any ideas what happened last night?

mark: no bits and bobs...

jacob: nope!

kevin: havent a clue!

glen: hang on, its coming back... yeah... we were drinking something called Kentucky rye something like that, and everclear...

danny: oh yeah that everclear stuff makes you not be able to breathe for like 30 seconds after you have it... A/N true, band in most states though because pf its effects if you ever have it dont drink it pure mix it with something!! :).

holly: what?!

mark: yeah thats it! some really, really strong shit!

kevin: i remember walking about and nearly falling in the river...

rachel: what!?

jacob: yeah and flling in a cab and putting traffic cones and kfc buckets on our heads!

glen: yeahhhhhhh!

jess&holly&clair&rachel&hanna: what?!

jess: explain?!

danny: well we were messing about near a river and nearly felel in, we all fell in a cab and me and glen head butted. then we were walking along and got our kfc buckets and put them on our heads along with traffic cones...

holly: why?!

jacob: why not?!

hanna: i dont know maybe because its irriaponsable and stupid?!

kevin: meh... we ate breackfast and the girls didn't seem impressed by our guys night out.


i cant say im happy about what the boys did last night, but nothing i can do today. my mind keeps wondering to ben, i had that visiting order today. i came here to get away from it, too stressful right now. we all change and head out to the pool, private. all the girls are in the pool while the boys are recovering on the loungers by the side. that had to be the worst ive seen danny! anyone!

holly: am i the only one thats not happy with the way the boys acted last night?

jess: im not thrilled but they havent been out in a while.

hanna&rachel: same, not fair!

clair: not that it overlly bothers me but i agree it was abit out of order, like jess what if something happened to you or the baby?

jess: yeah i guess...

holly: i think we should get them back...

hanna&rachel&clair&jess: i like your thinking...

holly: i have a great idea!!!

******sorry its not great, ill spell check it tomorrow to tired now but needed to update something. ill update again soon:) please comment, vote and fan:) xxx*******

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