chapter 99 - doesn't hang about...

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me and danny have been back a week or so now. it was amazing! so perfect, i missed everyone and orla so much! but im finally a o'donoghue! everytime i think about it i-i-i dont know. just my whole body just lights up and tingles...

oh and while we were away it was holly and glens  anniversary  and glen proposed!! holly is in not hurry, she has already set a date. 5 months time! she is so excited! to be honest so am i! shes not someone to hang about.

*2 months later*

holly: wow! look at this one. itsnt it gorgeous!

jess: yeah! 

holly: so whats sorted?


date, place, flowers, bridesmaids, maids of honours, guest list,  food, cake, suits and um hair and make up...

holly: ok, so um just dresses really left?

jess: yep! the best bit! ahhhhh

holly: ahhhhhh

we finished our coffee and left to meet clair at the dress shop. this is moving so fast. im happy for her, her and glen are great for each other...


danny: this album is coming along so well! 

mark: yeah, i can't wait to share it with the fans!!

glen: lets tweet it! 


album is coming along great can wait to share it with you guys!! pic/th.script/iugeni/mnng.wye.3657/2084

glen: can we leave it here today guys please? i dont think tommy is very well...

mark: yeah sure, oh yeah he doesn't look well at all...

danny: yeah, ill see you guys tomorrow! bye! 

i picked orla up and strapped her in the car. hall of fame came on the radio and she tried to sing along...

orla: hwale of fwame... and the worlds unn know yourw nwame... cause you swhine with the brightest flwame...

awh! we got home and jess wasn't back yet. so me and orla put the tell on and chilled. 

*****sorry its short i just wanted to update something... :)  please comment, vote and fan:Dxx*****

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now