Chapter 79 - Drinks

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I woke up, for once not to crying. I rolled over, its 12:30!! I jumper out of bed and straight into the shower, we are meant to be meeting people for a drink before our holiday, in 30 minutes!! since we aren't going to be here for new years we are going out for early drinks.

I have quick shower before jumping out and chucking a pair of black skinny, of course, grey baggy top and non smart blazer thing. I then wake Jess up.

Danny: hunny, you need to wake up. we have to meet people in 20 minutes.

I give her a quick kiss and soon her emerald green eyes flutter open.

Jess: morning handsome!

Danny: morning gorgeous!

She got up and got in the shower while I dressed and sorted Orla. I made us all some breakfast, well lunch. we checked all our stuff for the holiday. once we were ready we left, and only 5 minutes late, for a change.


We arrived at the pub. I could see everyone sitting down, we walked in and said hello,


everyone: happy new year!!

We were all sat down round a big table.

Danny: drinks?

He got up and ordered drinks, I'm only having diet coke. we don't need a repeat of Danny's birthday.

Jess: so Evie how have you been?

She didn't answer, I know she heard.

Jess: evie?




Jess: evie?

Hanna: OI auntie Jess is talking to you!

Evie: I know.

Hanna: well can you answer her them please?!

Evie: are you sure she has time to talk to me?!

Jess: what's that supposed to mean?!

Evie: nothing...

Lucy: she means-

Evie: OI!

Jess: no Lucy continue

Lucy: no I don't want to now...

Hanna: Evie speak now! or that's it we are going home and jade won't be coming over next week!

Evie: no!

She got up and walked off, wow madam and she's only 9!

After a while I got up and sat with evie, she was sitting by herself on a table far from the others.

Jess: evie, look your 9 now. so I'm going to treat you like a big girl, so can we have a grown up conversation please?

Evie: I have nothing to say...

Jess: please, hun tell me why you are annoyed with me?

I just got up and went to walk away.

Evie: Jessica look I'm not annoyed with you, I'm just upset...

I sat back down.

Jess: oh hunny, please tell me why?

Evie: cause you never have time for us anymore...

Jess: what, I'll always have time for you guys!

Evie: no since whatever her name is-

Jess: orla?

Evie: yeah, since she has come, you and dan never see us, or have time for us...

Jess: aww hunny, I'm sorry but it's just because Orla is hard work at her age. but now she is old, I'll have more time for you guys. so how about you go get the others and I'll tell you my plan?

Evie: ok!

She ran off and the others came back, Sam is now 1 and 3 months and walking so they all did walk over.

Danny flashed me and smile and a wink. I just smiled back. they all sat round this table and smiled at me.

Jess: right, how would you guys like to come stay round mine and Danny's the weekend after me and Danny get back?

All: yeah!

Evie: really?!

Jess: yep! auntie Jess always has time for her nieces and nephews! go on go ask your mummy....

They all ran off apart from evie.

Evie: I love you auntie jessica!!

She hugged me and we re joined the big table.


I lent over and kissed jess.

Danny: we seem to have a lot of kids staying over?

Jess: yeah

Danny: why?

Jess: cause they felt left out...

Danny: oh ok. we better be off soon.

Jess: ok.

I peck her lips and join back into the conversation, not a clue what it's about. I just add a occasional yeah, mmm, meh, I don't know... Fools them so easy.

Soon it's time for me and Jess to go. Jess is crying saying good bye, I have watery eyes.

Danny: come on baby, we gunna be late...

Orla coughs,

Jess: we can't leave look she's ill! it could be serious!

Danny: jess, babe listen she will be fine!

Holly: OI Jessica get a grip, I will watch it and if it gets any worse I will take her to the doctors ok?

Jess just nods.

Danny: bye bye beautiful. don't go growing up too much! I'll see you soon!

Jess&danny: byeeeee! happy new year!!!

Everyone: byeee! happy new year!

We leave and I drive us to the airport. we arrive and check in. we wait about for about half an hour before boarding. we take our seats, Jess is gripping my hand and hiding her head in my neck. I squeezed her hand and kissed her head. we took off and both me and Jess fell asleep...

*****sorryi didn't update sooner, recovering, hangover. yes 13 and have a hangover, never in it's new years! hope everyone had a great new year!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I'll update soon :D please let me know what you think, vote and fan:)xx*****

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