chapter 132 - photograph...

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dan is trying to get orla ready, she is staying at my mums tonight while me and dan go out. tinnie temper. she is having a paddy over it. normally this would make me change my mind about going but i need to go out. this could be the last chance i get to go out and enjoy myself. 

i grab a glass of water and head back upstairs, on the way i notice the music room door pushed open slightly. i push it fully open and walk in. the bright colourful wall catches my eyes. orla and danny had decorated it while i was away in america. it was a painting of us 3 then hand prints and other things around. in all colours. it was really sweet. a mixture of danny and orlas hand that surrounded a painting of my family. underneath was 'love you always mummy...' i smile and look about. everything is all untouched. we dont come in here alot, to be honest we dont have time. 

i put my water on the little table and sit down at the piano. i hands automatical release into playing who you are. i sing along and let the word fill and relax me. everything ive ever wanted or dreamed about is in my music. i miss it. and to know that its likly ill lose it all. cause who is going to want to sign me, dying, and helpless. 

who you are. this is who i am. jessica o'donoghue. the one who has made mistakes. the one who has learnt and moved on from them. the one who says never give up her dreams. the one who said to always believe. the one who is battling cancer. the one who can beat it. the one who doesnt want to go back to square one.

i mess about on the piano for a little longer, letting everything else vanish.


 danny: orla! im gunna get really annoyed in a minute. come here!

she ran off.

danny: orla! get here now!



danny: right no watching frozen! im gunna put it in the bin!

she soon came running through.

orla: noooooo! please daddy! no!

danny: come here then! 

she came over and let me dress her. 

danny: right, put anything you want to take in your backpack for nanny's ok?

orla: no.

danny: excuse me?

orla: i dont want to go.

danny: tough. you have to go, nanny and grandad want to see you. 

orla: no. i wanna stay with mummy. 

danny: you cant. mummy and daddy are going out. so you are going to stay with nanny and grandad tonight. then tomorrow you and evie are going out i think...

orla: i dont want to! 

danny: orla, just pack what you want please...

i got up and left. she soon started screaming. for god sake. one night. all i ask. i turn round and go back to her room.

danny: orla! listen its mummys birthday and she is going out! stop being so selfish its one night! youll be fine! *half shout*

orla: i dont wanna go! *whine*

danny: its mummy's birthday so do this for her ok! *annoyed*

she kicked her bag over. i tried not to laugh. she is such a madam! 

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now