chapter 57 - KFC

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i wake up to another cramp, they are getting really annoying now! i look at the clock, 3:37am. i really fancy KFC, new craving i guess... i go to roll out of bed but are hit by a cold wall of air. i curl back up and whisper to danny.

jess: babe? i nudged him gently, he moaned.

jess: babe, wake up! i shook him again.

danny: yes?

jess: i want KFC....

danny: you want what!? (in a mumble)

jess: please i really fancy a KFC?

danny: why don't you go get one?

jess: because its cold...

danny: so?

jess: i would love it if you could get me one?

danny: are you being serious? (sound slightly annoyed)

jess: yeah... please? your gorgeous girls want chicken, KFC chicken...

danny: i guess then... he got up and wiped his eyes before throwing o some clothes kissing me and going to KFC.

danny: before i go what do you actually want?

jess: um... can i just have like a bucket of chicken please? what can i say the baby wants chicken and im hungry...

danny: bye

jess: love you byeee! he left and i opened my phone. i opened twiiter,


@JessieJ love you babe! @TheScript_Danny its 3:40am and you love me enough to go get me KFC... aww love you can't wait to get married to you!!!! #loveyou #loveKFC #hungry #cramps #cravings #soontobeaodonoghue...

i clicked tweet and put my phone down, it soon light up with a reply, i looked itwas from danny.

reply from danny,

@TheScript_Danny this is the only time im getting up at this stupid time to go to KFC! don't get used to it! better be warm cuddles when i get back its frezzing! can't wait to marry you either!! #loveyou #frezzing! xxxxxx

i laughed and reply,

@JessieJ aww love you too! of course there are warm cuddles waiting there always are... :* #cuddles xxxxxxx

i put my phone down and turned the lamp on, and waited for my perfect feoncá to arrive back with my food... it didn't take long. he came back and gave ma a bucket of chicken, literally! i rested it on my bump, which is so big i can just balance it there, which i found funny!

jess: i love you!

danny: meh...

jess: want some?

danny: can i just have abit...

jess: sure cause im lovely... i gave im a piece and we chated for abit before i turned the lamp off and we snuggled down.


i can't belive i just got up to go get her some KFC! but aslong as she's happy, mark said don't up set them while they are pregnant apparently they go ape shit on you.

i wake up to the sound of jess on the phone, i roll over its now 8:45am. she looks at me and i give her a what the fuck look and she laughs. i groan and roll back over, she continues chatting for about half an hour before she puts her phone down. she keeps doing this recently, getting up stupid times, craving stupid things like the other day she wanted soap!? then coal and wax!? (A/N thess are real craving sounds stupid but some people do crave them.) she keeps falling asleep for like 5 minuets then wake for 5 then asleep. then feeling sick at the smell of tea and coffee recently. mark said that rina went through stages of random things. im just waiting to see what happens next.

danny: how long have you been up today then?

jess: well i slept for another hour and a half after the KFC and then was wake for about 1 hour then asleep for 30 minutes for so then i woke up again...

danny: oh ok, better than last night then...

jess: yeah. so that was holly, apparently thy have some news and we are going house and baby shopping today...

danny: did she give you any clues?

jess: no, she seemed happy though, it feels weird i havent seen her in like nearly 2 months, cause she left the tour early cause of her parents and stuff. apparently she has been really busy. did glan mention anything to you when you saw him the other day outside the new house?

danny: no, mmm i wonder what it is...

jess: i think i have an idea but im not sure...

danny: what?

jess: shhh might wreak it...

danny: ok then what makes you suspect this thing?

jess: well she sounded like she had been throwing up the other day on the phone and she wanted pineapple covered in chocolate spread, which i found was lovely and now i fancy. but yeah she normally hate pineapple...

danny: oh, yeah... by the way you can get your own pineapple.

jess: ok ill be back in a bit. she jumped well rolled as fast as she could out of bed and pulled her beanie on,

danny: and since i was lovely and got your KFC last night can you grab us a coffee from that nice coffee shop from next to the shop?

jess: yeah ill do that if you want me to throw up everywhere!

danny: oh yeah sorry, can you just grab some to make here then please?

jess: yeha, bye get ready to go out!

danny: yes mummy!

jess: oi! she walked out and i laughed, her walking now is more like waddling. even though her bump was meant to thin loads back to normal size, its still slightly bigger. some times she laughs and sometimes she kills you if you mention It. like she can be having a go at you but say someone else comes over and says hi she will be all nice and then kill me again, mood swings are defiantly happening to her! its nice though because this pregnancy has brought out different sides of her i don't normally get to see.

im brought out of my thoughts by jess slamming the down stairs door. she came up the stair, shit im not ready!

jess: DANNY!!!

danny: hi, did you get your pineapple?


danny: aww im sorry! il get ready now! i got up and walked towards the bathroom,


danny: yeah, yeah...

jess: DON'T FUCKING TALK TO ME LIKE THAT DANNY!! shes acting like my mum or something!

danny: don't take it out on me because they didn't have any pineapple or you thew up at the smell of coffee!!! she broke down on the floor crying, another random mood swing! i walked over and bent down beside her,

danny: shhh shhh babe its alright...

jess: n-n-no i-its n-n-not...

danny: why not?

jess: b-b-beacuse i w-w-wanted p-p-pinapple!!

danny: aww baby, we can get you some when we go out yeah?

jess: *sniff* *sniff* yeah...

danny: go on go get ready... she got up and started to do her make up. wow she went from happy, to angry to sad to perfectly fine in 15 minuets! most people don't have that many emotion changes in a life time!

i had a shower and we got ready to leave. she made me rush about because she wanted this pinapple. i drove as jess driving no was hard, she couldn't reach the wheel comfortablly. we arrived at a tesscos on the way,

jess: can you go in?

danny: i guess... i got out and found some pinapple before heading back to the car. i gave it to her.

jess: meh don't really feel like pinapple now...

danny: you what?

jess: i don't want pinapple...

danny: yo made me rush about like a blue assed fly to get ready, you had a paddy over it and now you have it you don't want it?!

jess: alright alright don't get assey with me!

danny: *sigh* im not just tied, you keeping waking up with stupid cravings, like wax and shit at 2am!

jess: sorry...

danny: not your fault! i drove to a shopping centre that i had been ordered to and parked. we got out and walked hand in hand to meet holly, glen.


im getting really fed up of being pregnant!

we meet holly and glen in a cafe. we sat down and they both had a huge grin on their faces.

jess: heyyyyy!

holly: hey!

glen: hi

danny: hi, whats up?

holly: not much...

jess: what the big news then?

holly: well, me and glen would like to ask you both something...

danny: go on...

glen: well you know how you asked us to be your baby's god parents?

jess: yeah?

holly: well we would like to know whether you would be ours? i was right she is pregnant!!

jess: i knew it!!! congratulations!! id love toooo!!

glen: how'd you know?

jess: well the other day she had sounded like she had been throwing up, then she wanted

danny: don't say it, not doing this morning again, she wanted something she doesn't like!

jess: alright... and pregnant women have this thing when we can tell...

glen: oh...

danny: i'd love to!!

glen: thanks man!

danny: so how far are you? she stood up and shew us her bump it wasn't tiny but it wasn't huge!

holly: im 5 months yesterday...


danny: babe, calm down, its ok!

holly: mood swing?

danny: yep, glen mate watch out!

glen: ah ok thanks for the tip...

jess: i know im sorry, i now had tears rolling down my cheeks. i really don't know whats up with me im not even sad!

holly: babe don't cry...

jess: sorry... i wiped my eyes and we chatted for a bit, before we set off for the decorating shops first.

we split into our pairs while we look about and agree to meet outside in about 1 hour. me and danny walk about looking at all the paints, wall paper and decor bits.

danny: so whats the plan for the different rooms?

jess: well,

kitchen red theme,

lounge green and white,

bathroom blue,

music room purple and wall paper,

bedroom bage,

spare room bage,

hall way wallpaper,

dining room wallpaper,

gym room grey and pink and i haven't thought about the baby's room...

danny: ok well i see you have it all sorted... but can i do the baby's room?

jess: yeah if you want, and yeah what do you think ive done every night since we brought the house when i wake up at 3?

danny: aha good point. we grabbed all the stuff we needed danny grabbed a extra basket full of bits for the baby's room and we took it to the check out,

lady: that will be £1,038.79 please?

jess: yeah sure. i put my card in

danny: oi ill get it... i put my pin in.

jess: nope... you can get the really expensive stuff later deal?

danny: aha deal... we meet holly and glen outside and decide as we all had aload of bags to drop them off in the car. we then went to the furniture and stuff for the house shop.


we again split to walk about.

danny: babe?

jess: mmm?

danny: i think this should be a new start so get new everything, yeah?

jess: yeah ok lets start with the sofa... we walked about sitting on nearly every sofa.

jess: oh om fucking god! danny come sit here! i laughed at her face she sounded like she had gone to heaven, i sat down and sunk into a pit of pure pleasure, it was so soft and comfy!

danny: this has to be are new sofa!

jess: yep!! it was angled round a corner and all padded and and black/chocolate swede look. just gorgeous!! we grabbed a ticket and looked at dining tables. we found a nice big oak one and took another ticket, we walked about getting lamp shades,

kitchen bits to match the red theme,

a half memory foam half spring bed,


side boards for the lounge and dining room,

52" tv just perfect not to big but not to small!,

blinds and curtains and anything else jess thought she would need. we took it all to the check outs.

lady: thats £6,002.13 please? what the fuck is she buying!? i put my card in and gave the address for it all to be delivered to and met up with holly and glen again.

holly: lunch?

jess: yeah!

holly: where?

jess: oh that lovely indian cafe down there is lovely?

holly: ok...

danny: yeah we're ok with that to....

jess: good! we walked and found a nice seat. i was looking out the window and spoted a pap looking about. shit! they haden't seen us in ages! well not properly... but since the news of a janny wedding and baby they are going crazy!

danny: jess babe, paps are here...

jess: oh fuck sake! can't i just have one day to relax and shop!!

danny: i know i know! ans you know your going to have to watch ya mouth when little ones here... she gave me the death stare so i shut up. we haden't been spotted so just stayed where we where and ordered lunch, its been awhile since i don't know i just felt like this. like everything is how its meant to be, im scared out of my mind about being a dad but im more scared of losing jess! when i walked out on her and sorted myself out. i came back from ma's and she had gone completely no sign, i shut myself away. didn't speak to anyone, glen and mark used to come over everyday to check on me, fed, water me, eventhough i wouldn't talk to them they would still do it! i hit hard when jess had gone, ill never forgive myself ive just got to not only prove to her that i won't walk out on her but i need to prove to myself. cause i know jess had a trust thing after ben and she thought she could relie on me and i let her down. sometimes i wonder why she gave us another go, she didn't need to give us time to earn her trust she could just read me and i could her, it felt right... i was brought out of thought by jess getting up and shouting, i looked there was a pap taking photos. oh great here we go mood swings...

she got up shouting and walked over to him,

jess: WHY CAN YOU JUST GIVE ME ONE FUCKING DAY ALONE!! IM SHOPPPING WITH MY FRIENDS WHY CAN'T YOU JUST PISS OFF!! she kept going on but i realized he had a cup of coffee,

danny:oh n... before i could finish she threw up all over him!

this made holly laugh very hard, i giggled a bit and glen was just shocked!

jess: sorry not sorry she said down and we laughed about before paying and leaving for the baby shop. the pap left shocked and humiliated!


we split again and walked out grabbing bits and bobs,



baby grows,



breast pump,




car seat,

change bag,

change mat,


creams , wash stuff,


bouncer and alot lot more!! we paid and it came to £996, we gave the address and left said good bye to holly and glen and drove home.

danny: i can't believe that you threw up on that pap!

jess: i know! i smelt it and before i could walk away bla everywhere! it was funny though!

danny: yeah holly nearly wet her self!

jess: ha yeah! we got back. we packed up anything that was keep sake, photos or that we wanted to keep, we had a van coming in 2 days to pick stuff up from here and the few bits from my old house we still have, but was brought yesterday and someone is moving in, in 2 weeks or so. we boxed up and put it all by the door, we made some soup for dinner and snuggled in bed falling asleep while watching what to expect when your expecting...

*********sorry took so long to update in the middle of decorating. them cravings are real! strange hu? ive narrowed it down to 2 possible ending. one mans a sequel one doesn't but if i go with the sequel one i have some drama ideas planed, ooooo! ahah please comment your thoughts, it really gives me a boost when writing, please vote and fan:) ill update soon:) xx********

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