chapter 191 - either waking up, or dying

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Danny: you know when you sense something is wrong?

Mia: yes

Danny: got that feeling at the moment, they said they suspect jess will wake up any say now but I’ve got a really bad feeling she won’t…

Mia: oh… well good news that they think she will wake up though

Danny: I guess but I don’t know, got this gut feeling… Skyler shew me this monitor today they’ve attached her to and if it goes off it basically means she’s about to die…

Mia: shit man

I sigh and sip my tea

Danny: how’s your friend?

Mia: I got to see them

Danny: really?

Mia: nope, still refusing me.

I down my tea and it burns my throat

Danny: ah come on!

I grab her hand and leave the café

Danny: show me where they are

Mia: no point-

Danny: just show me!

She rolls her eyes and leads me to the ward. I look about and find a doctors coat- I can be sneaky.

Danny: what room is he in?

Mia: I- I- I don’t know

I roll my eyes

Danny: go ask at the desk

She walks over

Mia: um excuse me, please could you tell me what room jack Mitchell is in?

Nurse: that’s patient confidentiality I can tell you-

Danny: she’s with me, Dr O’donoghue, im jack’s therapist…

Nurse: right… well dr O’donoghue, he is in room 219

Danny: thank you

She didn’t look convinced but who cares!

Danny: right wait here…

She nodded, she looked scarred. I found his room. I knocked and entered.

Danny: jack Mitchell?

Jack: yes, you are?

Danny: my names Danny, I think we need to have a little chat if you don’t mind…

Jack: if it’s about more test and how im feeling and whether im going to try kill myself again I’d rather not thank…

Danny: no its not, it’s about Mia Green-

Jack: is she ok?! Has something happened?!

Danny: first, cut the crap! Im going to be honest with ok? Don’t act like you care now…

Jack: w-what?

Danny: weeks she has come up here every day and tried to see you and everytime you’ve knocked her away!

Jack: she gave up on me!

Danny: no she didn’t- she was talking to a doctor about the condition with one of her other friends!

Jack: i-I didn’t know that

Danny: she is broken about all this; she blames herself and thinks you hate her

He looks down

Jack: who are you?

Danny: Danny, from the script-

Jack: the script?!

Danny: yeah

Jack: that’s her favourite band!

I nod

Jack: is she- is she here?

Danny: yes she is

Jack: can I see her?

Danny: yes, but don’t mess her about anymore!

I walk out of the room

Danny: still want to see him?

Mia: he wants to see me?!

I nod; she flings her arms round me and hugs me tight

Mia: thank you thank you thank you thank you!

Danny: no worries, let me know how it goes yeah?

Mia: yeah!

She smiles and walk- nearly runs off to his room. I smile to myself- my good deed is done for the day. I make my way back to the coffee shop and grab a tea to take back to the room. I have another fag before I go in. I open my phone and see a text and missed call from Hannah

Text from Hannah: Danny I think you need to come back! Jess is being super monitored or something I don’t know something went wrong! Come back please!

Shit! I stub my half a fag out and run towards jess’s room, I knew it! I knew something was wrong!


Something isn’t good. I know something isn’t. My chest is really tight and it’s hard to breathe. I’ve been trying to stay calm and not get worked up but it’s really hard. It hurts all over. I want Danny to hold me and let my cry into him again.

Hannah: hey sis, it’s me Hannah… *sigh* I miss you so much jess, you need to wake up! I need my sister again jess *breaks down* im trying so hard to stay strong but it’s so hard… seeing what it’s doing to everyone, mum and dad are arguing because of the stress and danny looks like a dead man walking- excuse the pun, orla is missing her mummy- she’s having these nightmares about some man or something… it’s all so much jess… me and Jacob keep arguing because of how tried I am and how im never there… it’s all gone kaput without you here jess…you’re the glue that holds everyone together

Hearing Hannah open up and breakdown like that is killing me- excuse my pun. This fucking cancer and coma and whatever else this shitty life has thrown at me is so fucking annoying. Everything in my life I have always picked myself up and carried on. Whether it was the self harm, the abuse, the miscarriages, the attacks the coma, brain bleeds- ANYTHING! I’ve always moved on. I’ve always recovered and been ok but what the fuck! I can’t wake up!

Im trying so hard to wake up- im fighting so hard. I can’t do it though! My chest tightens even more and it getting harder and harder to breathe. Maybe this is me waking up. It’s going to go either way I guess- this is either me waking up, or me dying…




#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now