chapter 55 - Valentines P2

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i wasn't listening to danny; i had zoned out. my baby, my defenceless baby. im going insane, my make up is strewn everywhere! im screaming for answers, danny is trying to calm me down thats not going to happen. i just want my baby to be ok! im worrying out of my mind, it seems like years and years before the nurse came back in followed by a doctor.

jess: please please tell me whats wrong with my baby!? (between tears and breathes)

doctor: im sure its nothing just nurse nancy just wants a second opinion. but jessie before i can do anything i need you too calm down!

jess: o o ok... i slowly tried to calm myself, once i got calm enough he started to use his stethoscope. i was praying so hard fro everything to be ok, i was squeezing danny's hand so tight his hand was properly going to drop off!

doctor: nurse, 130 bm to 60 bm with in 30 seconds! its faint but there! the nurse scribbled stuff down before the doctor turned to me. right jess i need you to think...

jess: ok?

doctor: have you been feeling dizzy at all?

jess: come to think about yeah abit...

doctor: ok, and blurred vision or head aches?

jess: um yeah now and then...

doctor: any stomach pains?

jess: not that i can remember... please tell me whats happened!? tears threatening to fall.

doctor: well, ive spoken to doctor kasabowski on the phone quickly and went over all your records. from the beatings you have with stained your body is trying to over protect the baby, so instead of making a thin layer to obtain the baby its making a wall nearly 3 times the size. which is why you look nearly 40 weeks, understand?

jess: i think so... but why was there a panic?

doctor: well this wall makes it harder to find the heart beat and see on the scan, but when you get paniced it panicks the baby. the other thing is i think your suffering from Preeclampsia.

jess: ok and what does that mean?

doctor: well... its a condition than can occoer from around 20 weeks of pregnancy onwards, that causes high blood pressure and problems with the kidneys and other organs. Also called toxemia.

danny: so what can you do?

doctor: The only cure is delivery, which may not be best for the baby. Labor will probably be induced if condition is mild and the woman is near term, 37 to 40 weeks of pregnancy. If it is too early to deliver, as it is, im going watch the health of the jess and your baby very closely. She may need medicines and bed rest at home or in the hospital to lower her blood pressure. Medicines also might be used to prevent jess from having seizures. the risk that come with this are, both high for not making it through labour for both jess and the baby, whether thats now or later...

doctor: ill get you the first dosage of medicines then would you like a photo?

danny: yes please thank you so much! wow i don't even know what to start to think! my baby, the thing keeping me sane, could be gone? the doctor came back with a photo and aload of things.

doctor: well ill give you the good news, the baby is as heathly as can be. although very weak and smaller than it should be everything else seems to be ok at the moment. although things may get worse, we will have to play it by what happens in the next few weeks. also would you like to know the sex of the baby?

danny: its up to you babe?

jess: y-y-y-yeah p-p-please?

doctor: well your having a baby girl.... congratulations... i couldn't hold them back, the tear flooded out of me as we looked at the photo, a baby girl! wow! i had sad and happy tears rolling uncontrollably down my cheeks now. i smiled over at danny, who looked over the moon! i looked back at the doctor,

jess: w-w-wh-whats t-t-the b-b-bad n-news?

doctor: well the condition will get worse, your in the early stages at the moment. your not far enough in the pregnancy to deliver now, but you may fine you go into labour earlier. its rare for you to have got it but theres nothing we can do to get rid of it, how ever we can do our best to stabilize it, this medicine with reduce any pain and hopefully reduce symptoms. however there's a high chance that you and your baby girl won't make it, im sorry...

danny: is there any side affects that may occur after labour?

doctor: in rare rare case mental problems can occur but its very unlikely. right with this medicine, it may make you very happy and joyful but then that could turn and you could become very angry and upset but thats just side effects. also i don't want you to over work yourself, so im not saying give up on your tour, but you need to take it easy, rest before and after, make sure you eat well. ok?

jess: y-yeah ok, thank you so much!

doctor: its ok, jess i wish you all the best i really do. i would like you too see doctor kasabowski as soon as you get back for a check up, if you have any worries about anything i want you to come see a doctor. ok?

jess: ok...

doctor: oh before you go, i want to sort your bump out, because its suffocating the baby, so im just going to inject you with a liquid that will thin the wall, are you ok with this?

jess: i guess... he pulls my top up again and grabs a huge needle. i squeeze danny's hand really tight again and he gently pushes it in, it stings but stops after about 10 seconds.

doctor: right you can go as long as you follow what ive said...

jess: thank you so much for your help!

doctor: you may get some pain later and in the next few days but thats just the lining thinning...

jess: ok, bye.

doctor: bye. we leave and walk back in silence i don't think we really know what to say. its all now sinking in, tears begin to form in my eyes as we reach the hotel. i walk in and see clair, holly and glen have moved to the comfy chairs, holly turns and see me,

holly: hey babe how'd it go? i feel a tear escape my eye and i run off upstairs to the room.


jess runs off upstairs, i don't know what to say. im so shocked! i look blankly at glen before jogging after jess, i get to the room and see jess, curled up on the be crying. i go and lay behind her cuddling her.

danny: babe...




danny: it will be ok...

jess: you don't know that! thats only half of why im upset...

danny: i don't understand?

jess: ben and jack are inside and are still managing to wreck our lives, my bio polar i could pass that down, i could die and that would leave you with the baby all alone, the baby could die! she breaks down again.

danny: baby, look i know they hurt you bad but your strong you can make it through this, and if she anything like you she will too! she rolls over and hugs me,

jess: promise me something?

danny: anything princess?

jess: don't ever leave me?

danny: im never going to leave you i promise...

jess: i promise never to leave you too im going to fight this... she kisses me before burring her head into my neck.

danny: you know what?

jess: w-what?

danny: i think valentines day is just made to be full of drama..

jess: what you m... oh shit im sorry danny!

danny: its ok, know why?

jess: why?

danny: because forgetting about everything i have you and we are having a beautiful baby girl!

jess: i love you! will you sing to me?

danny: i love you to beautiful! of course i will! i sing her if you could see me now. she falls asleep and i lay there. im putting on a brave face i miss my da so much! he was my role model who i lived for! when he was gone i wasn't the same, but i met jess and she brought me back out of my shell showed me that thats not what my dad would have wanted.

danny: hi da, i hope your ok? i miss you loads! so me and jess are having a girl and are going to get married! im scared though, what if i freak out again? what if i fuck up!? i really do wish you were here to see me now... you would have loved jess, warmed to her like ma did, im trying my best to look after ma, i am but with everything i don't get to see her that often anymore... im sorry da if ive let you down any time... ive tried my best! everything i do is in Heine sight of you! Your going to have another granddaughter, ive got a few names in mind but ill save them me and jess still need to talk about it. I can't wait but what if i do lose her how can i look at our baby? What if we lose the baby, i don't know whether jess could cope... I love you da, i don't know why you were taken i guess you were needed up there... Ill talk to you later da, i love you...

I carefully got off the bed trying not to disturb jess, i wiped my eyes and found a pad and pen. Before i could write anything there was a knock at the door, i got up and opened it,

Holly: dan, whats up!? Whats happened!?

Glen: dan, is it the baby!? I walked back into the room, they followed me. Glen made us all a cup of tea,

Glen: so whats up!?

Danny: my gorgeous girls are suffering from Preeclampsia... tears threatened to fall, i blinked them away.

clair: w-w-whats that?!

danny: well jess looks 40 weeks because of all the beating her body is trying to over protect her, which is suffocating the baby making her weak. and on top of that they are suffering from this decease that could mean jess or the baby or both of them die... a tear fell down my cheek....

glen: dan... im so sorry!

holly: me too! but you said girls? i just nod

holly: aww congratulations danny!

glen: yeah man, your going to have a baby girl!!

danny: im scared!

glen: your going to be fine! you always are...

holly: yeah danny your amazing with kids!

danny: thanks! hey do you mind just waiting here for a couple of minutes in case jess wakes up i just ant to grab some bits?

holly: sure... i get up and grab my coat before walking down the road to a supermarket we passed on the way to the hospital. i grabbed,

a bunch of roses,


picnic blanket,

finger food,

big bottle of sprite and coke (jess's favourites),

salt and vinegar walkers (jess favourite at the moment),

ice cream,

chocolate coated strawberries, and a few romantic films. i paid and walked back to the hotel. once i got back, holly and glen left for a fancy meal and clair was going out for some drinks with the bar tender. jess's room was one of those big ones with a lounge separate. i laid the blanket out in the floor and lit candles round the room, before placing the food out on the blanket, i found the teddy i got the baby, jess's presents and the roses on the sofa and opened the drinks. i turned round and jess was stood in the door way...


i woke up and danny was gone, i got out and wiped my face with some baby wipes and went to the lounge. danny had made a picnic and candles, everything it was gorgeous i really love this man!!

danny: hey baby! have a nice sleep?

jess: hey, wow this is amazing danny thank you!

danny: well i thought you wouldn't really feel like going out so i brought the out to you...

jess: thank you! oh hang on! i ran back into the bedroom and picked out on of my carry bags. i pulled danny presents out and ran back, i think this medicine was kicking in! i placed them next to dannys ones but so you could tell they were separate. we sat down together and cuddled. it was just perfect how he knew i wouldn't feel like going out, how he came here, how were having a baby girl. although the bad news dannys dad and the decease is sad he knows what to always do! i can't wait to marry this man! i pulled out my phone and took a picture of us two the presents and the food and candles and tweeted it,

tweet: @JessieJ HAPPY VALENTINES!!! love this man done all this for me! turned bad news into good and made everything seem better! @TheScript_Danny #CantWaitToMarryThisMan #GoingToBeAGreatDaddy #HappyValentines #KeepingYouClose

i sent it and snuggled into danny,

danny: you first! *hand a present*

jess: danny just you being here is enough!

danny: open it... i opened it and it was a beautiful locket. it was gorgeous, silver heart with swirls on it...

danny: i know you have like three now but i couldn't resist...

jess: thank you i love it!

danny: turn it over and open it... i did as he said, on the back it read

Just Be True To Who You Are...

i tear came to my eye but i blinked it away as i opened it to reveal a picture of me and danny with jackson from his walk the other week. it was beautiful, back when a time seemed so simple, when i wasn't looking at having only maybe a few months left...

jess: danny i don't know what to say it beautiful! i said a tear escaping. now you do one... i passed him the first one, he opened it and read it, he kissed me. it was a compass thing that read,

so you can always fine your way back to me... love jess xxxx

it was cheesy i know but who cares! he handed me another, and we went through till danny handed me my last one, i carefully un rapped it. it was a photo album on the front it said,

you won't find faith or hope down a telescope,

you won't find heart or soul in the stars,

you can break everything down to chemicals,

but you can't explain a love like ours...

with a picture of a rose under. it was done up by a ribbon bow, i carefully untied it and opened it, the first pages were me and danny at the brits under the heading 'when it all started'

the next ones were me and danny laughing and messing about at the voice under 'love at first sight'

there where just loads of different memories showing us to where we are now, ones like when we made pan cakes and it went everywhere! to walking jackson in the park or that date in the field... there were aload of spare pages at the back though,

danny: thats so the journey can continue... tears escaped my eyes, happy of course. i retied the the bow beofre placing my lips on his!

jess: danny, i love you! thats perfect, gorgeous! don't ever leave me!

danny: i love you too! jess your my world im never going to leave you! we fed each other food and had amazing night, danny had brought the baby a cuddle rabbit and was now talking to the bump with it, which the baby books say is a good thing help the baby recognize voices...

danny: me and your mummy will always love you! no matter how big or small the problem just come to us... we will always sort it! you better be a string fighter like your my here, we have you so much music and things to show you, im going to teach you to walk, talk, draw, write, ride a bike, play piano, sing... everything! cause your my world, just like your mummy, and no one will ever be able to take that away... he looked up to me. he's so sweet, alright daddy getting a bit emotional there ar we i teased him,

danny: alright mummy, jealous are we?

jess: maybe? we snuggled on the sofa and ate ice cream, strawberries and watched dirty dancing, singing to all the songs, beauty and the beast a Disney guilty romantic pleasure and the note book a sad but romantic film. i fell asleep towards the end of the note book. today had been drama packed, i know danny will be scared im am! but like the Doctor said theres nothing i can do, just got to hope the baby has the Cornish fighting spirt... its always us though!

i fell asleep holding my bump, cuddling it almost like she was here...

*******sorry it took so long to update, and i know its not that good i scapped my idea i did have and changed it to this. this one tends to bring the drama later on. i already have 2/3 ideas on how the story is going to end and depending on which one i choose depends on whether there will be a sequal... not sure yet...

this chapter is dedicated to @heartbeat2424 for all the suport and writing amazing stories! really worth reading!!

please comment, vote and fan:)xx*******

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