chapter 66 - not again...

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i sat there waiting for doctor kasabowski, just watching orla sleep peacfully in my arms. the door opened and i jumped slightly.

doctor: im sorr, jess!

jess: its ok, just please tell me whats wrong?

doctor: right well im affraid its not good, danny has major swealing on the brain, caused by a bleed on the brain... 

the just them words bleed on the brain, broke me. last time i heard them danny forgott me!

jess: n-n-n-no b-b-but n-n-no!!

doctor: im sorry jess... you know what the side effects can be... 

i pulled orla close to me and rocked back and forth, i had tears flooding down my face uncontrolably. no i can't go through that again!! i got up and steadly walked to dannys room. i opened the door, danny was sat there. his eyes were red and puffy, i could tell he had been crying. i broke down agian and ran over to him, i got on the bed with him and all three of cuddling, not knowing what to say...


wow! i. dont. even. know. what. to. say. we are all cuddling, i dont want this moment to end. i was feeling better, until that news. i pull my phone out of jess's bag and took some photos of us, i turned orla round so she was sitting on my lap but me supporting her head and neck. i wiped my tears and smiled at her.

danny: hey gorgeous, aww my baby is growing so fast. i love you yeah, your remember that! and no matter what happens i need you to be srong for your mummy, yes, yes i do! and even if something does go wrong i will always be arround, ok. and your mummy here will help me get back ok. cause i love you both more than anything. You know, you look so much like your mummy, and if your personality is anything like hers your going to be one amazing, smart , pretty girl. Im going to make it through this and teach you to, talk, crawl, walk, ride a bike, sing, play piano everything...

I turn to jess,

Danny: your turn mummy, jess... You see this ring? It shows my love for you. jess your strong and so am i, we will make it through this. and even if the worst happens you need to be strong for everyone yeah? but thats not going to happen, i will make you an o'donoghue! like my da said once you find her dont let her go, and i dont plan on ok? jess i love you dont ever forget that!

she had tears streamming down her face, orla had fallen asleep. i kissed jess, 

danny: baby, dont cry it'll be ok...

jess: i-i-i love y-you 

danny: i love you too!


me and danny cuddled up with orla for ages, never wanting this moment to end! 

jess: danny your dad would be so proud of you!

danny: you think?

jess: yeah...

danny: i hope so...

the doctor came through.

doctor: right danny how are we feeling?

danny: alot better!

doctor: good good, right we have a space up in theather now, so jess im sorry but you need to say your good byes and danny we need to prep you...

jess: how long will it take? can i wait here?

doctor: surgery will take about 4 to 5 hours and im sorry jess but you won't be able to see danny again for 24 hours...

danny: WHAT?! 

doctor: im sorry, but you will be at high risk of infection and so is orla.

jess: what no!! im not leaving danny for 24 hours after he goes through brain surgery!!!

doctor: im sorry, jess can you get ready to leave please?

jess: NO!!

danny: NO!!!!

doctor: ok, let me put it in a way you might listen too... if you dont go jess, danny may catch a disease that may kill him! and he will be put into isolation and you will be escorted from the builden and wont be able to see him for weeks! orla might catch something which will put her in hospital for weeks. so its your decision what you going to do?

jess: im sorry babe, ill be here as soon as im aloud! tears fell down my cheeks. we said goodbyes, not only is this hard enough im not aloud to be with him, im just praying now!! i get to the car after covering orla. i put her in and spot some paps lets just hope they stay away cause im not in the mood right now! i drive home, great paps. i cover orla and walk to the door...

paps: is it true danny is ill, is it true you nearly died, is it true that your baby has got difficulties? can we have a photo? i spin round,

jess: would you just fuck off!! im not in the mood,  now fuck off or you'll really regret it!!!!!!

paps: wheres danny? not being a good father if he is not here!


paps: is it true danny is cheating on you? is it true that you cheated on danny?

jess: FUCK OFFFFF!!!!!


they all run off, and i go in. closely followed by holly. orla is scream at this point from all the shouting. i can't even pick her up, i just stand there looking into space, holly picks orla up.

holly: babe? whats hapened? whats wrong?

i fall to the floor in floods of tears!

jess: his going to forget me again! i know it! i knew me and danny is just to goo to be true!! 

holly: woah woah woah! calm, what happend?

jess: d-d-danny h-has got a brain b-bleed and i c-can't see h-him and last time this happened he he he f-f-forgot me!!

holly: babe, come here! she hugs me and calms me down. orla soon calms down and i fed her. i can't get danny out of my mind! 

holly stayed with me for the rest of the day, she was getting quite big now! once she had gone o put orla to bed and sat on my bed looking up at the celing, the silence was distrupted by my phine going off,

*phone call* 

jess: hello?

nurse: hello, jessie its nursee juile here, sorry to bother you but its concerning danny?

jess: w-w-whats happened?!

nurse: there was a slight complitcation during surgery...

******sorry mean cliff hanger... ill update soon, thanks for all the support please imbox/comment thoughts, vote and fan:) if you have any question about any of it feel free to ask and i will try and answer them:) xx***** 

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