chapter 153 - nose bleed

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I’m sat in the same place I have been for about the past 2 months. The same room, it’s not as bad now that it’s not plain white. It was really sweet what Danny did, it’s for little things like this as to why I love him so much!

Jess: Dan?

I pick my head up from his chest and swivel round so imp sat on his lap but facing him, I let my leg with the cast on hang of the edge.

Danny: yeah?

Jess: your birthday is tomorrow-

Danny: do we have to talk about this now?

Jess: yeah… um, I want you to go over and see your family, have a break-

Danny: you’re a funny one jess

Jess: I’m not joking, please Dan? It would make me feel a lot better

Danny: I’m not leaving you jess, you’re insane if you think I am… I can go see ma and everyone when you’re better…

Jess: see the thing is your going no matter what you say…

He laughs

Jess: please Dan, I know they are all missing you and I know you miss them too. I’ll be fine and even if it’s only for a weekend, please?

Danny: why do I get the feeling it’s all already sorted?

I smirk

Danny: you know you’re amazing

Jess: yeah everyone keeps saying…

Danny: most people would want their husband to stay with them know matter what, but you… your still putting others first!

I lean forward and placed a kiss on his lips.

Jess: you and orla#janny leave tonight, Vicki will pick you up from the airport…

Danny: I knew you weren’t just having a chat the other week

I smile and he does too

Danny: I love you so much!!

Jess: good cause I love you too!

Danny: you’re sure you’ll be ok?

Jess: fine, Skyler is here and holly and Clair can come see me… I’ve got fan mail and things to sort out I’ll be fine, go and enjoy it! Please don’t worry about me while you’re away though!

Danny: I can’t promise that!

Jess: please, and I’ll see you soon than you know, it’s going to whizz by!

Danny: I can’t get over home much I love you!

I smile, he has that effect on me, and all I can do is smile when I’m around him!

Jess: go on, go home and pack!

Danny: thank you!!!

He got up and hugged me tight, I handed him the tickets

Danny: I love you! See you soon, I’ll call and FaceTime you yeah?

Jess: of course! I love you bye!

He soon left and I smile in content, your good jess your good. That was easier than I thought though; I know how much he misses his family though so that’s probably why. About 10 minutes later the door open and I smile as Andrea comes in.

Andrea: like a maze! God!

We both laugh

Andrea: oh Jessie it’s so good to see you!

Jess: you too!

Andrea: so he brought it?

Jess: yep, to be honest he would still be here if he hadn’t of… he only leaves my side if he is tore away

I laugh

Andrea: awh, ok ready?

She squealed

Jess: to get out of this room? HELL YEAH!

We laugh and Skyler comes through

Jess: Skyler this is Andrea Dan’s sister, Andrea this is Skyler my nurse…

Skyler: hi, nice to meet you

Andrea: hi, you too

Skyler: ok so Jessie, your medicines are here… you know the routine of them I don’t think I need to explain all that…

I smile

Jess: god no, taken them long enough now

Skyler: you have a wheel chair and crutches  just depending on what you feel like using… don’t push yourself because any complications- yeah you know…

Jess: thank you so much Skyler, for helping sort all this out! It means a lot!

Skyler: just my job!

I pull a jumper on and get up, I balance on one leg, and I give her a hug

Skyler: see you in a week!

Jess: I’m so excited! To see more than this hospital!

We laugh and I get into the wheelchair, I pull a bag of packed things from under my bed and Andrea holds it. She wheels me out; we must have looked really silly, Andrea pushing me out laughing our heads off.

I feel like crap, it’s a Tuesday so I had chemo yesterday so I’m feeling and looking drained, but this trip and how happy Dan is going to be is making me feel better! She helps me into a cab and we go straight to the airport.

Andrea: what times Dan’s flight?

Jess: in about 1 and ½ hours…

Andrea: ours?

Jess: 45 minutes… I’ve checked us in online so just got to get there and board…

Andrea: god it’s so good to see you Jessie!

Jess: same! I’ve really miss you guys!

We get to the airport still laughing and catching up as we get on the plain. I got a back seat because looking like this I really don’t want to be noticed! The flight isn’t long about 1 hour. I hate flying but Andrea keeps my mind of it.

Andrea: how’s orla been?

Jess: good as far as I know, it’s hard for her I’ve said that she can’t really come up the hospital

She was giving me a funny look

Jess: what?

Andrea: your nose

I wipe my nose and blood, great.

Jess: excuse me?

An air steward came over and saw the problem, oh god it’s really bad! It kept coming; I try and laugh it off. It finally stops.

Jess: welcome to the life of cancer… it sucks!

Andrea: awh Hun!

The flight seemed quicker. Everyone knows I’m coming but Dan and orla and the kids. Oh it’s going to be so good to see them! Yeah we saw them at orla's birthday but that was nearly 5 months ago!

We find her car and go back to hers; I’m staying here for a night and then surprising Dan tomorrow. Wow. I’m knackered, I skip dinner 1 because I’m not hungry and 2 because I didn’t want them to see me throw it all up… I go to bed early, I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow…



*****I wrote this on the plane in hope I could update when I get there, so maybe, maybe not :/ ITALY! Haha please comment, vote and fan:Dxx*****

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now