Chapter 18 - Bonding

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I woke up, I just laid there, Danny's arm wrapped round me, just thinking. We've been through a lot in the past year or so, first the whole Ben situation, Danny forgetting everything, mum not supporting us, the pregnancy... Danny was the best thing ever, he's so kind, never thinks just about himself, he always puts other people first, and he always tried to cheer me up, like after the Ben drama, I suffered from light depression but he would always cheer me up, I hated it when he forgot me, I had know one who could cheer me up like he used to. I start to think how this drove to self harm, I tear ran down my face at the thought of it, I got so low that if Danny hadn't of remembered me I don't know what I would have done, I pulled my sleeves over my wrists, I still had scares, I didn't think Danny knows and I didn't want to tell him cause I think he will blame himself, tears were slowly but surly running down my face. Suddenly I felt a hand wipe them away, baby what's wrong???, Danny asked wiping my last few tears away, oh sorry baby I didn't mean to wake you I was just thinking about the past year and stuff, I pulled my sleeve right over my hand, oh it ok I know we've been through a lot but I think everything is on the up now, but jess what are you hiding on your wrist??? Oh shit! I thought trying to think of something to say to cover it up, oh ur nothing, have a nice sleep??? I said trying to change the subject, yeah good but jess you can tell me anything, please don't hide things from me??? From me he said picking up my wrist and starting to pull my sleeve back... But d d dan, jess babe why do you have cut scares on your wrists, he said looking at me slightly upset, dan it was ages ago from when you forgot me I just got really low, and I blamed myself for what happened because Ben was my ex and he wanted you gone to get me and not you tears were streaming down my face and Danny pulled me into his chest for a hug. Jess baby it's ok I wasn't your fault, but please promise me you won't do this again, your so beautiful! please don't do this to your self... He said lifting my face and Giving me a genial warming smiling. Yeah Danny I promise it was a one off I'm sorry, it ok come on let's get some breakfast, ok I said kissing him, we got up and walked down stairs...


I was upset about what jess had done, I felt it was my fault, but I didn't want jess to feel worse so I didn't say that I thought it was my fault. I also thought it was bad I hadn't noticed it... We got down stairs and mum was sitting in the kitchen reading a book, morning ma, morning Daniel morning jess, she said looking up from her book, morning jess said sitting down with her, it was nice, jess seemed really comfortable around ma, she didn't care if she hasn't done her make up or she didn't seem to care what see looked like in front of her, which was good, ma seemed comfortable around jess to. So who's up for a fry up??? I asked getting bacon, eggs, sausages and beans out along with some bread. Yes please babe, jess said smiling, yes please Daniel, ma said looking over at me. I cooked us all bacon, fried bread and eggs, jess do you want sausages or beans today, I said holding the packets open, urrrm can I have sausages but no beans please she said biting slightly on her bottom lip and smiling, yeah sure I said opening the sausages, and putting the beans in a saucepan. Once it was all cooked I plated up and put it on the table along with some tea, enjoy I said sitting down, thanks dan, thanks Daniel they said tucking in.


So what times your flight??? Ailish said looking up, um I don't know dan??? I said looking over to him, um I think it's around 9:30 tonight, he said taking a sip of tea, oh ok, Ailish said sipping her tea. Why don't we go out and do something today, then we could get some dinner before our flight??? I said joining the group and taking a sip of my coffee, yeah we could Ailish said smiling at me, ok what you want to do??? I said biting my sausage, um I don't mind, dan??? She said again looking over to him, um I don't mind why don't you two go out shopping or something, then ill meet up with you for dinner??? He said checking s phone, um yeah I don't mind it's up to you Ailish??? Yeah I don't mind, there's a nice new sopping centre just opened, she said finishing her food, yeah ok sounds nice, um when do you want to leave??? Um how about in an hour then we have the whole day yeah??? Ok, babe you know nice places eat, do you want to book a table for round 6ish??? I said finishing my food, yeah sure baby, ill ring somewhere in a bit, he said kissing me and clearing the plates away. Thanks babe that's was lovely I said getting up and wrapping my hands, round his waist, yeah Daniel that was lovely thanks, Ailish said getting up and walking up stairs. Is something wrong??? I asked resting my head on Danny's shoulder, no babe, sorry if I seem like something's up just last night your ma, gave us support for the wedding, he said turning to me and smiling, what, what do you mean??? I said confused, well last night your phone kept going off, and I didn't want it to wake you so I answered it and it was your ma, so I said that you got upset about what was said and that I knew what was said, but I didn't mind if we didn't get her full support but a least a little would be nice cause you need your ma, and that I understand she doesn't want her daughter to grow up so quick cause in her eyes your still her little baby, and before I went she said she fully supported us, he said smiling at me. Wow dan that amazing, your amazing, I love you so much only you would have been able to convince her, I said kissing him, there's one little thing I need you to do though, he said with slight puppy dog eyes, what??? I asked, well I told your ma you were asleep and that's why she couldn't talk to you, so I said I'd talk to you today and that you would call her... I said smiling kind of at me, I suppose so, I said lifting my shoulder and kissing him, thank you babe, go on you better get ready, he said kissing me. I turned and started to walk off and he slapped my butt, I turned, blushed and laughed before walking upstairs.


Jess went up stairs to get ready, so I decided to call mark, so I picked my phone up and walked outside.

Hey dan! M

Hey mark, what's up??? D

Not much you??? M

No just that my band has been asked to play at Buckingham palace! D

Hahah mine too, I guess you got the letter too then M

Yeah, OMG can we go??? d

Um I don't see why not the tour over here will be finished and it before the america tour starts M

I froze shit I hadn't thought about the America tour, I thought the tour over here would be hard with jess but over in America, I don't know how that's going to work...

Dan??? M

Yah sorry, cool can't wait! D

Dan what's wrong??? M

Oh nothing, D

Dan??? M

I forgot about the America tour and the tour over here was going to be hard enough, but in America... D

Oh dan it'll be ok, M

Yeah I don't know how but we will figure something out... D

Do you guys fancy meeting up for a jam, or something, jess and ma have gone out for the day and I haven't got anything to do, and I could do with a proper catch up??? D

Um yeah sure, um where??? M

Cool, my garage like the good old days??? Hahahah D

Hahahah, yeah sure 1 hour and half or so??? M

Yeah sure lets glen know... See you in a bit... D

Cool, will do bye M

Bye D.

We've off dan, ma said, I turned round and gave her a kiss, ill be in the car jess, ok be there in a sec, I heard jess call back. I walked through to the hall way where jess was sitting on the stairs putting her shoes on, bye babe ill see you later, I said helping her up and smiling, bye don't have too much fun with out me alone, she said kissing me, I laughed and kissed he again, I won't I said handing her, her bag. She walked out the door and joined ma in the car, I quickly popped to the shop down the road after getting changed and brought some beer and munches. I put a table in the old garage, ma still haven't used it, it has never been used only when me and mark in my town, used to meet up, or when me, mark and glen first got together, I put the munches out and put the beer in the fridge, before uncovering the old drums and amps and making sure they work they did, we were all ready. *knock knock* I opened the door and they followed me through to the kitchen, I got us all a beer and we walked through to the garage and started to just jam...

****** sorry it's short will update again tomorrow, school has started again so will padre when I can :). Please comment thoughts and ideas, and please vote thanks :p xx******

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now