Chapter 36 Date With Jack

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So tell me about yourself.... I said acting interested
Well im called jack, im 24. Im a upcoming singer song writer. He said smiling
Oh cool, you look familiar. Do you have any brothers or sisters??? I asked trying to figure out where i had seen him before.
Well i have two sisters and a broth... No we dont have to go there... He said avoiding eye contact.
Yell me about your brother... I said
No you dont want to know... He said
Yes i do nothing can ever happen if you keep secrets, i said blunt
Well i have a brother called um be ben and he's um in prison... So do you want a desert he said trying to change the subject,
Your your bens brother oh shit yeah i didn't recognise you, its ok im sure your not like him... I said trying smile across the table, i couldn't believe it what do i do, i feel bad! Um ill text danny he will know what to do...

To danny,

Hey dan so it turns out jack is bens brother... Im i dont know what to do i feel bad fir him i dont think he's like him...:{ jessie xx

From danny,

Oh shit! well look to your left... And im here if you need me stick in there see how it goes... :) dan xx

I put my phone down and looked to my left and saw Danny will and tom i smiled and turned back to jack, um yeah lets share one i said opening the dessert ok he said. We ordered and ate up. Once we were done i got up and went to the toilet and signalled to danny to say come. He did,

Im off now but thanks so much dan! J
Ok be careful its ok! D
Hug? J
Come here! D

I walked back to jack and he drove me home. We Got out and he walked me to the door, i put my key in the door and opened it before turning back to him,
I really enjoyed tonight! Jessie
Yeah i did to but i dont think you want it to end here... Jack
I think i do im not the type of girl! Jessie
Oh i think you want more... Jack
No no i dont! Jessie
Well you might not but i do! Jack and with that he pushed me inside and forced me up against a wall.

*****A/N some may find this distressing but is a big bit to explain bits later on but i will say when it over*****

He started to push him self on me and stuck his tongue in my mouth. He started to rip my clothes of he pushed my onto the floor causing me to hit my head. He placed both his hands on my arms pining them to the floor and both legs on my completely pining me to the floor, he started to try and such on my nipples but just bit them, i was groaning him in pain but he just seemed to go on... I couldn't move he wouldn't stop i started to cry! He quickly undone his trousers and boxers. He forced his dick in my mouth even with my refusal, he started to move about and groan i couldn't do anything, yes yes i could i bit as hard as i could and he pulled out quick in pain. Well that was naughty jessie your gunna regret that! He shouted throwing three punches to my stomach making me wince in pain tear were now streaming down my face. My arms were throbbing where he was gripping them, his hands felt like they were piecing my skin, my legs were going dead from where he was kneeling on me with all his weight! He started to kiss me again and thrust into me... This went on for what seemed like a life time! Before he fell beside me and fell to sleep. I couldn't move, i was shaking in disbelieve, crying through hurt, pain and fear! I ached so bad i just lay there scared of moving, after a while i managed to get up and stagger into the bathroom, i looked at myself in the mirror, i looked a state, a razor caught my eye, i reached over and looked at it i promised Danny i wouldn't ever do this again, but then he promised a lot of things... I places it against my wrist and pulled back and pushed it in again and again and again. I dropped it to the floor and broke down again... I wrapped a dressing gown round me and a bandage round my wrist and opened the door and was fronted by jack. Ahah i dont think so he said sternly and undoing my wrobe. I shuddered at his touch, he pushed me onto the bed and it all started again...

I woke up next to jack. My whole body started to throb. I got up and removed my bandage from my arm before having a shower. I got out and looked in the mirror. I hand hand marks all over me, my whole stomach was bruised, i looked grey and week. I started to cry but wiped the tears away and wrapped a robe round me before getting dressed, i curled my hair and wore a baggy jumper and leggins, to cover up my bruises. I got up and checked my phone nothing, i grabbed my bag. Where do you think your going?! Jack, i slowly turned round, to work... I said slightly scared he got up and walked towards me, aha your joking right!? He said slowly wrapping his arms round my waist, n n n no i hhhave to go in we areee r recording tt today... I said tensing, wrong answer, he said and throwing two punches into my stomach i winced and kelt in pain. He grabbed my head and forced on his dick, suck mother fucker! He screamed moving my head back forth, i was scared so did what he said... Once he had enough i pulled away and grabbed my arm, i winced again as he pulled me onto my feet. Now you can go to work and dont ever disobey me again! He said letting go of me, i slowly turned round and went to walk off, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!? He said grabbing my arm, yyyyyeah yeah i i i understand, i said scared shitless! Good now go i will pick you up later babe... He said and with that i walked away. I didnt like him calling me babe but i wasnt going to argue! I picked up my dog and walked out...

*****A/N its over *****


We were all waiting on jess no one had seen her, i decided to go check her dressing room again, i got to the door and could hear sobbing, i opened the door to see a curled up crying jess in the corner. I locked the door and walked over and picked her up, i walked and sat on her sofa and pulled her in... Se cried into my chest until i could hear her wimpering. I lifted her chin and dried her eyes,
Jess babe whats wrong??? D

Come on jess we might not be dating anymore but it hurts still to see you like this! You can trust me.... D


I sighed and rested her against my chest again, i realised she was cradling something i opened her arms to reveal a puppy,

Awww who do we have here i said stroking it,

He he he nnneeds a name... Jess managed to choke out,

Well how about the name of your best friend from school the one that went to america??? I said

What jjjjackson??? She sniffled

Thats it yeah! I said smiling down at her,

Yeah i i i like that! Hello jackson... She said looking down at the puppy. He seemed to be happy with that name.

So you going to tell me whats wrong??? I asked concerned,

She shook her head, and jackson put a paw on her tummy, she winced. I carefully lifted her top and was shocked by what i saw!!!

***** sorry if you found any bits distressing... Thanks for all the support, please comment thoughts, vote and fan :) will update soon :)*******

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