chapter 86 - playing me

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im sitting in the spear bedroom. i can't believe she wont listen and that she thinks i cheated. im pacing up and down the spear room, iim still at glens. im constamtly call jess, no answer though. this is killing me! she wont answert the door, she wont answer the phone. what can i do!?   i sit on the bed with my head against the wall. i could hear, soft sobs coming through the wall. i thought of the layout of glens house, that my bedroom, thats jess. 

danny: jess? you dont have to speak, just let me explain the truth... 

i say softly into the wall, but loud enough for her to hear. 

danny: jess, irma turned up at the studios yesterday not for me. when we split we split on good terms, we used to talk up until i met ellie. she needed some help, she was at the studio to see her boyfriend but when she got there he broke up with her. i saw her walking along the corridoor in tears. so i gave her a hug and spoke with her, i tried to cheer her up. nothing happened you can ask geln or mark. she came and sat in the end of our session and then she left. jess, baby i love you more than anything... please dont do this over a miss understanding... i would never cheat on you!

jess: and im suppost to believe you?! ive got to go, orla needs me...

i slammed my head on th ewall and screamed in pain. what can i do?! 

i know!!


holly has made me dress up and said she taking me out tonight. i dont feel up to it but she says i have no chance. she dropped orla next door. im wearing  a purple floaty dress, with nude make-up and heels. i grabb my bag and we leave. my mind keeps wondering to danny, was he telling the truth earlier, i dont know. maybe i have giving him to many chances! 

we arrive at my favourite fancy restrant, we walk in. 

holly: hi table for three please?

waiter: sure, right this way!


we sit down and holly orders, a vodka and coke for me, a jack daniels and coke for her and a guiness. guiness? no? she wouldnt play me like that would she!?

soon mr 3 turns up. she did. she played me! 


****sorry its short. and another cliff hanger, will she listen or not :/ aha ill update soon pleace comment, vote and fan:Dxxx****

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now