Chapter 32 - Can't Cope

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I woke up snuggled into Danny's arms. I could tell he was wake as he was stoking my hair, I started to careful draw figure of eights on his abs. We both knew each other were awake but we just lay there. I felt really low, I think everything has got to me, and even though I wanted to say good morning I felt like I couldn't talk. The only keeping me going know is the fact I have Danny here, with out him I properly wouldn't be able to cope! Morning babe, he whispered, I couldn't speak I just looked up and managed a weak smile. You ok??? He asked I nodded ok, he said unconvinced. Come on let's get some breakfast, he said, I nodded. We got up and walked down stairs, mum had made us all a fry up and we sat down and started I didn't feel that hungry so I just a piece of bread and a sausage. Jess baby you need to eat some more than that! Danny. Said pushing my plate near me, I shakes my head, come on jess Danny's right eat some more! Mum said across the table, yeah come on jess eat some more, dad said! I just pushed the plate away again and shook my head. Jess eat some more! Mum said I could tell she was trying not to shout. I shook my head, what's wrong with you Jessica eat some food! She said nearly shouting. I got up and run up stairs, forgetting my crutches. What the fuck does she mean what's wrong with me, maybe that fact I got abused by my ex's I just lost a baby, I can't walk properly! I nearly lost the most important thing in my life! I got to my room and collapsed on to the bed my leg was throbbing! I curled up on the edge of the bed with tears starting to fall down my face... I felt at my complete and utter lowest! Before I thought that it's just life and I'd be ok, but all that's happened in my life has now sunk in and I feel like I might as not be here!! I felt Danny come in and cuddle up behind me, jess baby what's wrong??? He asked resting his head on my shoulder, I just lay there I couldn't speak, I felt heart less and distraught! Come baby's you came tell me, I could tell I was hurting him I could hear it in his voice... Come on then baby let's go home yeah??? He said lifting my up, I nodded and he lifted my into the car before going back inside...


dan where you going??? rose asked me I'm going to take jess home, she's up set and she won't tell me why but I can properly guess she's been through a lot so.... Sorry we'll see you soon. I said hugging her, bye dan, steven said shaking my hand, I said good bye to Hanna, Kevin, Rachel, Jacob, Lucy and Luca before turning to Evie. Bye Evie I'll see you soo and I'm going to help you cause you've got an amazing voice!! And I'll arrange it with your mum but you can come see mark and glen if you want at some point, yeah??? I said giving her a hug. Wow Danny that would be so cool thank you!! She said hugging me again, it's ok right bye guys, I picked our stuff and put them in the boot and drove us back to London...

We got back and jess crutches straight in, I brought everything in and sat and pulled jess in for a cuddle on the sofa. She hasn't spoken since yesterday... Jess please tell what's wrong I'm getting worried!? I said worried, I heard snuffles, I sat her up so she was facing me and wiped her tears away, come on jess I'm meant to be marrying you, were not meant to keep secrets were meant to tell each other everything... I said with a tear in my eye. D Danny I I I can't do this a anymore, she said between tears, what?! What do you mean!? I said confused, everything Danny look at me Danny I've lost two babies! I've fucked up every relationship! I've been in 3 abusive relationships! I've self harmed to a point of rehab! Danny my life's a mess! And I'm only 25 Danny!! She said now crying. Oh babe come here! Your amazing! So life hasn't been that fair but look at what you do have!! You have an amazing family! Your a world wide inspiration! Your gorgeous! You have an amazing personality!! Right now let's wipe those tear I said wiping here ears away away. T the thank y y you dan she said it's ok! I said hugging her, I'm going to go lay down for a bit she said getting up and hopping into the bedroom. Ok gorgeous see you in a bit...

I sat on the sofa and started to read through twitter, I suddenly got a text from mark,

Text from mark,

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