chapter 145 - nap heart to hearts

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danny: sure youll be ok? i shouldnt be long, just a quick meeting, few hours,-

jess: stoppppppp!! god, i will be fine, honestly. go, im cooking dinner cause my parents are coming over, so i will be distracted. orla has gone out with evie and lucy today-

danny: they spend loads of time together recently

jess: yeah, they get on realy well and it means orla isnt stuck at home... han is really helping...

i smile and kissed her cheek.

danny: call me ok?

jess: yes, go go, you'll be late!

i smile and go get in the car. i drive towards the studio. james has called us in for some sorta meeting, i dont know what its about. im guessing new album and tour- no way im leaving jess to go on tour!

i soon arrive and get out. i find the metting room, and the others are already here- its deffinitly about tour, Ben and Rodney are here too. im 5 minutes late, not too bad. i go sit next to mark and we wait for the 'important' people to come.

danny: tour?

mark: what im thinking, but surely they arent going to make you go away while jess is ill?

danny: they arent making me go anywhere while she is ill!

glen: hey dan

danny: hi glen

glen: hows jess? holly said she hurt her ankle?

danny: yeah i think its broken but she wont go to the hospital-

glen: why?

danny: dont think she has the engery for all the scans

glen: far point

mark: how did she do it?

danny: i popped out for sugar and eie was over but not geting ready to go home, so jess got angry and shouted and evie hasnt ever seen jess angry or shout so ran off and jess tried to follow her and fell down the stairs. she has a cut on her head and her ankle is bruised and huge!

mark: ouch!

danny: mm, she keeps strapping it but i think next week when skyler checks it out its going to be broken...

glen: nasty

the door soon opened and james and others came through.

james: thanks for coming- short notice i know. but we need to talk about promo, the new album and of course a tour...

told you.

james: am i right in saying we have a name for the new album?

mark: yes, no sound with out silence.

james: and first single?

danny: superheroes

he was writing it down, he should know this already!

he went on going over bits and bobs about it. we looked over art work designs and decided on ones designed by a artist that makes sculptures.

james: next promo, we need you to do a few radio and tv interviews soon. plus photoshoots.

we nod along, i know that wont be too bad, i wont have to leave jess too long.

james: tour, we need you to do a world tour, UK tour and US tour.

mark: when?

james: soon as

danny: i cant... i cant leave jess-

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now