chapter 170 - spare bed room

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Holly: I can’t do it Danny! It hurts too much to see her like that!

I pulled her into a hug.

Danny: it hurts me too, but you have to stay strong for her sake… she needs you now more than ever…

Holly: if she doesn’t make this Danny i-I won’t be able to live… she’s like my sister- for fuck sake she is my sister! And my rock! I need her to be able to pick me up and sort me out… I can’t lose her Danny I can’t!

Danny: neither can I, she’s my wife for crying out loud, but holly you’re not going to lose her! You know her better than anyone she is a fighter and she will make it through this! But she needs your belief and support now…

Holly: im such a shit friend!

Danny: oi, no you’re not! You’ve stood by her even when her own sister of blood gave up on her! You’ve helped her so much recently and believed in her! Don’t give up now…

She finally nodded and we went inside. Holly sat and held jess’s hand while I sat down next to her and tried to stay away, I heard the start of what holly was saying until I fell asleep- im knackered!

Holly: hi babe, it’s me… hols… I miss you… already. Everywhere seems dull without you there… danny really is a keeper you know, I can see why you fell for him… im still trying to work out why this happened to you, I hate it, it makes me feel sick everytime I think about you laying here. I want you to be ok again jess, I need you to be ok again… I can’t go on without you here… please hold on, come back to us… im sorry for

I didn’t hear the rest, my eyes were too heavy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Danny: Skyler!

She spun round and smiled at me

Skyler: morning Danny

Danny: any news? Anything good you can give me?

Skyler: um, Jessie’s brain activity is good, normal which means she is still with us and not critical or anything but nothing on times yet Danny… im sorry…

I nod and force a smile before slumping back to jess’s room. I hold her hand again as I sit down.

Danny: morning babe, it me Danny… Hannah is going to bring your iPod up with her today so you can listen to some music I think… your mum and dad are coming up too. I don’t know what to do about orla… she has been asking for you load… I don’t know whether to let her come up or not… maybe when we know more. Im not sure. Im not sure on anything anymore. What day it is. What to do. How to live. I need you jess please hold on for me- us. You’re the only one that when I feel like this or something like this happens can lighten it all up and make me happy again but you’re not here… you’re the one I need but can’t have and its torture… I swear im never letting you out of my sights again after this! No more accidents or anything… this pain is horrible! I miss you baby…

My voice cracked at the end and a tear fell down my cheek. I feel like someone is pushing on my chest and stopping me breathing. It is killing me to see her like this! I need her back… soon… before everything goes wrong…

Hannah soon arrived and so did her parents.

Hannah: how you holding up Danny?

I just look up at her, the pain and exhaustion was clear all over my face, she gave me a sympathetic look.

Rose: Danny?

I look at her.

Danny: y-yeah?

Rose: you need to speak to orla… jess needs clothes and you need a decent shower and shave!

I look down

Danny: I know, but I can’t leave her… and I don’t know what to say to orla… jess was so good at that…

Rose: danny, darling, we will be here and you need to rest… go home shower, sleep and get anything you need then pick orla up from Rachel’s and then talk to her…

Danny: Rachel’s?!

Hannah: yeah, no one else was free so I went and spoke to her… I had a go at her and then she gave in… she won’t come see jess though…

I nod slightly.

Danny: ok…

I got up. My legs ached- my whole body ached. My eyes stung from lack of sleep. I said goodbye and walked out the hospital- I didn’t even know which way was up or down. I got in my car, even though I shouldn’t be driving and went home.

I got in and the place looked identical to how it had when we left to go out New Year’s Eve. Wow that seems so long ago. After a few minutes of staring into space I close the door and slowly make my way upstairs.

I change into something that’s more comfy. I set an alarm to wake me up in a few hours- I don’t wanna be away for long. I lay in the bed and the smell of Jessie hits me like a wall. I toss and turn but her smell keeps me away so I finally go into the spare bed room and fall asleep in there.


*****im very sorry I haven’t updated but one im struggling with what to wring- like how and two I had a house party at the weekend and my hand is now in a splint which is making it hard to type:// but please comment, vote and fan:Dxx******

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