Chapter 125 (only 75 left:'( ) - cross the finish line.

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Danny: you ok? everything fine? sickness? nose?

Jess: haha would you chill! I'm fine. Me and holly had some chicken for dinner and are gunna watch a film in bed...

Danny: did you keep your food down?



Danny: babe?

Jess: *sigh* no

Danny: It doesn't matter I know you can't help it... just try yeah?

Jess: yeah, so how's my baby?

Danny: she's asleep...

Jess: awh, was the flight ok?

Danny: yeah, she coloured the whole way...

Jess: awh, how's your mum?

Danny: good yeah good, worries about you, she said she is gunna all you somepoint to have a chat...

Jess: haha ok. *yawn*

Danny: I better to then, you better get some sleep yeah?

Jess: yeah...

Danny: oh, tomorrow go into the music room and go into the cupboards, ok?

Jess: um ok, I love you

Danny: love you too... bye baby...

*end of call*

I change into on of Danny's top and a pair of leggings before me and holly jump into bed and put the new 22 jump street on. downloaded of course*wink*. 





i lay in bed, ive been awake since about 3am. its now about 12.30  now. i couldnt sleep last night, i had a dull ache and just wide awake! holly has gone next door just too see glen for a bit, it is valentines day. 

i sigh and roll out of bed. pj day i think! the door goes and i slowly on my weak morning legs walk and answer it. on the door step were flowers. i smile and pick them up. i go into the kitchen and read the card.

to jess,

100 red roses, but only 1 white one like you... <3 love you always 

danny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i smile and find a varse, the music room! a rush of excitement fills my body! i go as fast as i can to the room, where did he say again? um. ugh i hate my memory! cupboards! i walk over to the cupboards, my legs are starting to ache! i open the old wood doors and inside is pilled nicely some presents. i laugh to myself and sit down next to them. i pull my phone out of my dressing gown and open twitter.

tweet: i have THE BEST husband ever!!! <3<3<3<3 love you bby xxxxxxxxx #happyvalentinesday

i take a picture of the presents hidden in the wardrobe and get one out. this is so muh fun! i love him so much! so thoughtful!


i sit up and check twitter, i havent been on in a while. its arround 1pm, i slept in, i dont really want to get up, today is a hard day. jess being ill and not with her makes it harder. i see she has tweeted and open it.

tweet: i have THE BEST husband ever!!! <3<3<3<3 love you bby xxxxxxxxx #happyvalentinesday

i smile and reply.

tweet: and i have the BEST wife ever! found your suprise yet? love you! see you soon <3<3<3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #happyvalentinesday

i can hear ma and orla downstairs, i miss being around my ma and brothers and sister but it would never work my life is in england now, not ireland. i get out of bed and throw a tshirt and joggers on. i open my door and a brown box in the doorway? on the top in big black letter it has ma's address and my name with a heart.

i pick it up and sit back on the bed. i undo the brown pacel tape. inside were sime neatly wrapped presents. on top was a card, i picked it up and opened it. on the front was a big fluffy red monster holding a heart.

inside: to danny, happy valentines! i know this year hasnt had the best of starts, and i know its hard. i hope when you come back we will seem close as we used to be. i dont know whats happened danny, we used to be so close and perfect, but i think with all the presure and upset its become blured. and im sorry its not all you i know, ive been distant but im not sure how to deal with this... you have helped loads though! dont get me wrong everything youve said to me- or my family. i want to say thank you danny for that but i also want to go back to a time when we could talk about whatever- whenever. a time when we seemed to understand eachother, because now it seems we dont. i dont know maybe im just iver reacting, you know me... well. just i sorry i flug this whole illness on you, my life, everything we have been through on you. because danny, baby, if i ever knew we would have had to go through all this i probably wouldnt have tried because i never want to hurt you... but if i cant make it through this please, please, for me find some to take care of you and orla. be happy, dont hurt over me forever. please? im sorry writing to much... but i dont care i love you danny, i say it too much and if i dont say it i think it. but its true i love you with every possible thing in my body. and im glad you made me an O'donoghue...

love always ~ Jess O'Donoghue ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i wipe tears that are falling from my eyes and find my phone. i scroll and find jessie's name.

text: hi baby, just got your card :'(. thank you, very sneaky.  i want that too, i miss it all and im sorry i dont know how to speak anymore, its like a brick wall has been built. i hate it. i want to be able to talk to my wife and not have to worry that im saying the wrong thing, but at the moment thats what everything feels like, the wrong thing. i dont know what happened, we were so happy, so content, just us. but this illness isnt just killing you its killing us. and i want to know how to stop it but i cant find away, every road is a dead end, i want to save you, hold your hand and tell you everythign is gunna be ok. but honestly i dont know whether it is. i hate it. i hate everything we have over come and it like thats not enough, we must keep going. i just hope we over come this together and everything settles down. i say it too much i love you, its like it means nothing but it does it means everything! because every single part of me loves every part of you. simple. i need you to win jessie, cross the finish line. i dont know what id do with out you, i need you to breathe, i believe in you jessie, we all do. dont worry about us first, worry about you, deal with us later, becaus eim always gunna be here, and i want you to be here too...

love you more than anything, danny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i sit staring as the green bar fills across my phone as the message sends. with a swoosh it goes. a tear falls onto the screen as i lock it. i wipe my eyes and turn to the box of presents.  

******sorry for missing updates. ive got 3 big exams coming up, i have dont one and 2 more to go then i should be free!! yay! i saw jessie live last night- she was AMAZING, UNBELIEVABLE, MINDBLOWING!! it was sooooo good! (sorry) thanks for all the support, please comment, vote and fan:D xx*******

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