Chapter 41 - Whats Wrong With Her

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Can i see her!? Please!? I say jumping up,

Sorry who are you in relation to miss cornish??? He asked he could have been saying mrs o'donoghue if i hadn't of fucked up!


He's her boyfriend Tom said interrupting me, i realised what he meant now only family would have been aloud in,

Ok well if you would like to come with me please? He said turning round, i mouthed thank you to Tom who just nodded and followed the doctor. We came to a office where he told me to sit down,

Right can I have your first and last name please? He asked

Um sure daniel o'donoghue i said, he typed it in on his computer i had no clue why,

And date of birth?

3 october 1980,

Ok and address?

Sure 27 knivet green, ashwellthrope london, um if you dont mind why do you need to know this? i asked

Because i need you to see one of my nurses before you can see jess because from talking to you earlier i think you have a chest infectn by the amount of dust you inhaled, he said

What! No please can i see her first?! I said panicy

Im sorry no it wont take long he said leading me to a room, a nurse came in and he left,

Right mr o'donoghue can you take your shirt off??. She asked getting one of those thing to listen to you heart beat,

Yeah and call me danny please? I said taking off my tshirt,

Yeah sure danny right this might be cold she said putting it on my chest she moved it about before writing some stuff down on my records,

Right danny you need to take these antibiotics twice aday you have a mild chest infection but should clear up with in a week or so... She said handing me a bottle of yellow liquid,

Thanks can i see jess now??? I said putting my tshirt on,

Hand on ill just get doctor kasabowski back she said walking out, two minutes later a doctor from earlier who i guess is doctor kasabowski walked in.

Right daniel just before i take you to see jess i want to run over her injuries he said sitting on a chair,

Ok can you call me dan or danny please? I asked sitting up more,

Yeah sure dan, right jess has been very lucky she hasn't really wist stained any life threatening injuries. She lost a lot of blood which caused her to pass out and its lucky we got to her when we did other wise she could have fallen back into another coma which is more likely she wouldnt have woken up... But she didnt she has got a lot of bruising to her stomach and legs and arms, she has some cuts but nothing to bad. She will have to apple this cream to her cuts and bruises and take this course of antibiotics for about 2 weeks then she will need a check up in about 2-3 weeks time, ok??? He said reading his notes

Oh god, yeah thats fine can i see her now??? I said

Yeah sure come on ill take you too her, he said standing up,

Thank you thank you soooo much! I said following him.


I opened my eyes, and were blinded by lights my eyes were stinging i felt like a vampire in light,

Hey jess its ok, said someone they familiar, i focused my eyes it was danny...

Danny! I croaked,

Hey jess how you feeling? He asked holding my hand, i started to remember everything and started to cry,

Oh jess babe come here he said pulling me for a hug, jess im never going to let m or anyone hurt you again cause no one hurts my friends and defiantly not my BEST friends! He said wiping my tears, i managed a slight giggle,

Hang on i have someone who wants to see you! he said jumping up and running out, he came back,

Right close your eyes he said, i goggled and closed them,

Open! He said i did and he was holding jackson,

JACKSON! Babe i missed you so much im sorry i left you there! I said hugging him,

OH shit! Danny are you ok? Jack he he he...

Im fine he butted in,

thank you so much but how did you find me i said stoking jackson,

Well because i woke up in hospital and there was a note on the side saying something about bob and do it like a dude, like a riddle and glen read it and figured it out from bob you have a bob, do it like a dude your song and there was a anagram saying warehouse, so we searched all the warehouses and i thought we weren't going to get to you in time because the road was closed so we ran and ran at the man didn't believe me and they blew it down and i was running all over the Rubble looking for you but you were in the boot of jacks car and with out jackson we wouldn't have found you! He said wiping his eyes,

Oh Danny your amazing! I said smiling over to him, he smiled back and i seemed to melt, his smile kills me, he's amazing, his personality how he cares about everyone else before himself, his heart, his eyes, his smile, his laugh, his accent, him. WAIT! Jess what are you thinking what he said to you everything he did! But i know he's sorry i can tell the way he speaks to me the way he looks at me.. My thoughts were interrupted by the doctor coming in...

Right jess as long as you stick to your medicine and come back in 2 weeks for a check up, you are free to go when ever, ok? He said closing my records,

Yes thank you for all your help! I said smiling,

I got up and got changed into some clean clothes Danny had brought in, your coming to stay with me, Danny said smiling, why? I asked looking at him, because you need someone to look after you while your recovering, he said giving me a warm smile, i started to melt inside i think, no! Yeah i think im falling for him again...

*****sorry its short but will update soon :) please comment vote and fan :) xx ****

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now