Special 1.2: The Requiem Of A Guitarist

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"It's snowing pretty hard, huh?" Zen commented as we leaned on the only working heater on the floor we were on.

"Winter is here," y/n yawned, "man, I need a nap."

"You sure do sleep a lot in the winter," Zen muttered.

"Yep," I nodded, "I'm convinced that our dear, sweet y/n here is actually a bear."

"A what?" y/n looked to me with a weird look.

"A bear," I laughed, "You're big, warm, give great hugs and should probably hibernate in the winter."

He seemed to be processing the information.

"Damn it. You and your weird imagery," he grumbled.

"Oh jeez-- that's the perfect animal for y/n," Zen laughed.

"Yeah well you're like a stupid looking naked cat," y/n shot back.

"A what?" Zen cringed, "you mean those weird oversized rats people are obsessed with? They are not cats and I am nothing like those freaky things. I'm more like a noble peacock."

It was silent for a moment while Zen just stood in a weird pose. Both me and y/n burst out laughing.

"Ha-- yeah, right, a peacock," I almost choked on the air while laughing, "give me a break. Not even in your wildest dreams could you ever be a peacock. You're more like a pigeon."

"Yes! That's exactly it!" y/n pointed at me as he laughed, "Zens a pigeon."

"I hate both of you to the bottom of my core," Zen glared at us before shushing us, "you hear that?"

We both managed to calm down and listened.

"The piano?" I asked as I heard the sound of Debussy's Clair de Lune coming through.

"What about it?" y/n asked.

"Idiots. It's a pianist," Zen glared at us, we looked at him confused and he just sighed, "the band you overgrown baffoons! The band!"

"Oh!" both me and y/n got it.

"Who's playing?" I asked as we snuck to the music room to see a younger boy with light hair, an blank face and an air that screamed 'interrupt me and you die'.

"Oh. Its that kid," y/n muttered.

"Who?" both me and Zen asked, y/n let out a low hum before clicking his fingers as he remembered.

"Chika Kotaro," he told us, "I've met him a couple times thanks to the musical relationship between our two families."

"Oh I see," I nodded, "What's he like?"

"Let's see," y/n hummed in thought, "blunt. Rude, but not on purpose. Uh-- um... Skilled at piano..? That's about it."

"Guess we should leave it then," Zen shrugged but I just threw the door open, "hey-- wait, you idio-"

"Hey there! Chika Kotaro, right?" I greeted him with the biggest smile I could muster, "how do you feel about joining a band?"

Chika stopped playing and looked at me with a blank expression.

"What do I look like to you? Some pop, rock loving teenage fantasizer?" Chika replied with a blank and cold expression, "go ask someone else."

Oh wow. Did the room just get cold or is it just me?

"No. You look like a very refined young classical pianist who's probably won a fair share of rewards just for that," I replied, acting formal like I'd seen my father before grinning, "but aren't you bored of the same old classical music?"

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