Special: In Another Time 5/6

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Half a year later_

"OK. OK, how about this?" Rein gave me a piece of paper and I read it over.

"Hmm... Was your inspiration the 1930's?" I asked, he let out a small sigh before laughing.

"OK, I give up," he exclaimed, "you and Chika win. Lyrics are hard to write."

"You know it," Chika pointed at Rein before Cloudia came rushing into the room.

"Guys, I forgot about something very important," he exclaimed.

"What?" we all looked at him, startled.

"The private concert at that hoity toity private school," he answered, "I forgot to cancel and now they won't accept a no."

"Cloudia," I gestured for him to come over, he did and I flicked him in the forehead, "perhaps we should toss you down a slope."

"Thats minimal for ruining our holiday," Chika leaned forward, "I think we should put him on a high level slope and watch him turn into a snowman."

"Oo-- I like it," I nodded to Chika as the door to our cabin opened and in walked Zen and Nanan with food boxes in their hands.

"Hey, guess what," I looked to the pair as they kicked the snow off their boots.

"What?" Nanan asked curiously.

"Cloudia is trying to ruin our holiday~" Chika answered in a sing-song way.

"What?!" they both shouted.

"Hey! You forget why we're out here in the first place, Cloud-ass?!" Zen marched over and pointed to Rein then around the rest of us, "mental and physical rest."

"But you guys are skiing and snowboarding everyday how is that physical rest?" Cloudia asked.

"Shh!" Nanan passive aggressively rushed forward with his finger on his lip, "we don't do logic in this cabin."

"Come on, guys, lay off him," Rein laughed awkwardly, "besides, it's just one show. I know you guys have been itching to play again. And... to be honest... I really want to play my guitar again."

We all fell silent for a moment and I glanced over to the grand piano just chilling in the corner.

Not that I wanted to play that, but it reminded me of my guitar. Especially when Chika would sit playing Mozart late into the night like some kind of classical music owl. Mozarts Symphony No. 41 'Jupiter' is my nightmare piece now. It follows me everywhere. I hate it.

"OK. You got us," Zen put his hands up before pointing to Chika, "it's his fault though."

"My fault?! Why's it my fault?!" Chika argued.

"Because you keep playing that bloody piano like it's your substitution for sleep!" Zen shouted back.

The two began bickering amongst themselves while myself, Nanan and Rein just looked to Cloudia.

"When and where is it?" I asked.

"It's next week. Friday," Cloudia informed us, "Ouran Private High School."

"Any particular reason why you agreed to this in the first place?" I asked.

"Well, because, I thought it'd be a good idea to give you five an opportunity to see what the boys and girls of your status and age are doing right now," he replied, "and the school you all probably would've attended had you not come to Tokyo to play music."

"So it's like... An opportunity to show us and let us choose if we want to take a longer break from the band to go to an actual school?" Rein asked.

Where'd he get that from in Cloudia's explanation?

"Yes," Cloudia nodded, "it's just.. I've noticed you five are, well, literally just you five. When I was your age, I had at least ten friends I could consider myself close to. But you guys... You don't even have friends you can't consider yourself close to. You only know each other and... I'm sorry to say this... That really sad. Even for you."

"Ouch," Zen fake winced, him and Chika now having stopped fighting were listening to the conversation, "that was the nastiest burn you've ever given us, Cloudia."

"Yeah," Chika pointed to his heart, "burns right around here, Cloud-ass, right around here."

"I'm sorry," Cloudia apologised, "but it's true. Anyway, I don't expect you to decide to attend the school now since you've all decided you are going to travel the world and see what you all individually wanted to see or do, but I'm begging you. Please do this show. I cannot take anymore of the polite but extremely rude emails I'm receiving from those rich bastards."

"Cloudia," Rein spoke up, we looked to him to see he had a completely innocent look on his face which meant he was going to spit some cold hard facts that Cloudia is going to 100% hate, "did you forget that you, yourself, are in fact part of the rich bastard club?"

"You--" Cloudia put his finger up in a warning way before giving up, "I know and I hate it."

(petition to save Cloudia from the rich bastard club, say aye!)

"OK," Rein smiled, "we'll do it."

"We will?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded, "we'll do it. We've been in France for almost eight weeks now. It's getting a bit boring now and we're not due to go to Hawaii for another two weeks. Might as well kill some of that time."

"We can also chill with our families too," Chika pointed out, "weren't you complaining about missing your sister a few days ago?"

"Missing my sister and staying in the family home are two different things," I told him, "I can already feel the bruises forming. What will my welcome party be? A body slam right into the floor. Breakfast? A knuckle sandwich."

I felt chills running down my spine.

I love my mum, can't deny that I do, but she... Well... She's intense. And it hurts. A lot.

"Would you rather stay at my house then?" Rein asked.

"Oh no," I shook my head and backed up, "dude, your mother... Worse than mine. She's all... Sweet and kind."

"Yeah, it gives me goosebumps," Zen shivered, "she's that overbearing grandmother that just has to initiate contact with you at all times when she's in a good mood. I prefer the violence of y/n's mum."

I honestly can't tell if that's a good thing or not.

"So are you doing it?" Cloudia asked, referring to the gig.

"Yes, Cloudia," I confirmed with a sigh, "I guess Zodiac is going to a 'hoity toity' high school where a bunch of rich kids I doubt know we exist will listen and berate our music."

"Fantastic!" Cloudia exclaimed rushing to the door, "I'll go book flights home."

He disappeared within seconds.

"Didn't he hear the bit about them berating our music?" Chika asked.

"Nope. I think it went through one ear and out the other," I replied.

"Just like me!" Nanan exclaimed.

"Nanan," Chika looked at him with sympathy.

"Yes?" he grinned.

"That's not a good thing."


Poor kid. He's unsaveable at this point.

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