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Kyoya's PoV

The l/ns were here again but I found myself incredibly bored without y/n being here too.

"Dad! Isn't big brothers TV announcement soon?" Toru ran past me.

TV announcement?

"Yes, it should be," Mr l/n nodded.

"Will we get home on time for it? Zodiac have been preparing for it for the past week and we haven't been able to call any of them because of that," she asked.

"I don't know..." he looked at his watch and then back to his daughter who looks slightly annoyed with his answer.

"I'll watch it with you," I said, "I was planning to anyway."

No I wasn't. I had no idea that this was happening. At least now I know why I wasn't receiving or having any of my calls received by him. He's been busy.

"Great!" Toru hopped over to my side, "let's go! Let's go!"

"Alright," I nodded and we turned and began walking to the living room. As we walked my phone began ringing, I answered to be connected to a joint call with all the host club.

"What's the matter?" I answered as I sat down and grabbed the remote.

"Y/n senpai is on TV!" Hikaru shouted.

"And he looks so depressed..." Kaoru added on.

"Don't be mean, y/n senpai is making an important announcement," Haruhi ordered.

The way she worded that, it sounds like she's been in contact with him recently.

"How do you know? Did y/n call you?" Tamaki asked.

I'd like to know that too.

"Yeah, he called me last night," Haruhi replied.

Now I feel extremely annoyed.

"He wanted me to help out with a bit of his speech, he couldn't decide whether he should keep it in or not and in the end we decided to get rid of it," she continued.

So he called Haruhi for help?

Why not me? Something wrong with asking for help from me?

I hung up with mild irritation and started looking through the big news channels until I stopped on 'Celebrity News', one of the (presumably) numerous amounts of news channels covering them.

"There's so many people there, looks terrifying," Toru commented as the camera panned out a bit to show the sheer amount of reporters and fans and anyone important in the music industry all just stood around the stage that Zen, Nanan, Chika and y/n were all stood on along with a man with extremely messy blonde hair and a cigarette in his mouth.

"It's Mr Cloudia," Toru grinned, "he looks old."

"I don't think he'd appreciate that, darling," Mr l/n, Mrs l/n and my family all came into the room as well and took a seat around.

"But he does," Toru giggled to herself.

Then y/n stepped up to the front of the stage, mic on and ready to talk.

Ten minutes earlier_

Your PoV

"Why do I have to do this again?" I cringed at the large number of people who'd actually come out to see us.

We were getting dressed into the outfits Cloudia had brought with him. Just simple clothes. I was wearing black jeans with a black tank top and a white sleeveless over shirt with low cut sleeves. My jeans had those stupid decorative chains on them and I had some boots on to go with everything. Zen was in similar clothing but he wore a shirt instead. Nanan seemed to wear what he usually wears, bright colours and silly patterns on his shirt and Chika was basically in a suit just no blazer.

"Because you were the co leader," Zen replied, "plus you were the closest out of us all with Rein."

A knock came from the door and we all looked to it as it opened to reveal Rein's brother.

"Hey, guys, long time no see," Reijin greeted us meekly, "how are you all?"

His gaze was fixed on me and I looked away to avoid having to meet those stupid amber eyes that he and Rein both shared.

"We're nervous," Nanan spoke for all of us.

"I don't know why you guys are nervous when all you have to do is introduce yourselves," I grumbled as I walked away from them and grabbed my bottle of water.

I might die of embarrassment if I mess this up.

Taking a drink I noticed Reijin walking over to me through the mirror next to me. I knew he was coming but it didn't stop me from flinching when his hand dropped down on my shoulder.

"How are you really?" he asked, I looked at him out the corner of my eye.

Huh. He's got a blind eye now? It's got a pretty nasty scar going through it. Must've been a fight against a rival gang or something.

"I'm fine," I lied, I don't think I'll ever actually be fine but I can't keep my head swirling around in the past.

I heard him let out a small sigh before his hand dropped from my shoulder and he turned to and walked away.

Why do I feel bad now? Tch-- emotions are stupidly complicated.

"Good luck," Reijin said before the door shut again and we were left in silence in that room.

I feel like I'm suffocating.

Deep breaths, y/n, this is your time to finally clear everything up and move on, not completely because at this point Rein is basically your second half of yourself, but just enough that you can push on and live an actually happy life.


"Let's go," I turned and began walking out.


All you need is confidence, y/n, fake or not, its all you need right now.

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