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Two weeks actually passed in a flash.

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays we were in the studio all day while Tuesdays and Saturdays were a day off and Thursday was half free, half work.

We were in and out of interviews on top of that.

It was so draining and I kept getting yelled at for napping. I can't help it! I'm tired! Let me sleep!

Now, we're picking Kyoya up for the competition.

"I'll go get him," I said, getting out the van, "We'll be back in a minute."

"Right," Cloudia nodded as I walked away. I reached the house and knocked on the door.

Mr Ootori answered.

"Mr Ootori, good to see you again," I bowed my head to him, "I'm here for Kyoya."

"As yes, he told me about your little journey," he gave me a very disapproving look, "and why exactly is Kyoya going with you?"

"He requested to become part of the team," I replied, "he'll be helping keeping our fans informed about the competition. He's a valuable asset to the team, Sir."

Why do I feel like a boyfriend trying to take his girlfriend on a date but having to sweet talk her father into letting him go.

"And how long will he be on your team," he continued his interrogation.

"Until the competition ends, so two to three weeks," I replied, "it depends on how many bands will be joining this time."

"And where will you be staying?" he asked.

"In the best hotel in Los Angeles," I replied, "Sunset Tower Hotel."

The GBC is happening on the dolby theatre stage this year so we're going to America... Thankfully we are taking Zen's private jet to get there so the risk of us bumping into the rat and Lost 'n' Found is virtually impossible until we get to America. Thank god!

"How will you be travelling?" he continued this barrage of questions.

Seriously why is he finding all of these?

"By private jet, sir," I replied, "and Limousin in America."

"Will he be safe?"

"Yes, sir, I can assure your sons safety," I replied. Its my safety I'm worried about, this guy looks ready to kill.

He turned and closed the door in my face.

"OK then..." I muttered, standing there awkwardly before turning around to see everyone snickering at me. I swiftly flipped them off and turned around again as the door opened. Kyoya walked out with his bags.

"Did you wait long?" he asked.

"Not at all..." I trailed off, "your father had a pleasant? Pleasant-ish conversation with me."

He gave me an apologetic look before we walked to the van, I took his stuff and put it in the boot/trunk with everyone else's before getting in the van after Kyoya.

"Alright, now to the airport," Cloudia announced before we began driving away.

A long ass flight later_
Then a long ass drive later_

"Finally," I let out a sigh, "the hotel!"

"You'll have to pair up," Cloudia announced, "there's only double rooms."

"Alright," Zen nodded, "Chika and Nanan together, y/n and Kyoya, me and you. Sound good?"

"No complaint here," I shrugged, everyone else agreed with me before Cloudia passed us our keys.

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