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"Every single one of you!" Renge suddenly shouted, we all tore our eyes from the cookie conversation to her, "except for Kyoya! Every single one of your characters are luke warm!"

Well to be honest I don't know what character I am. Definitely not a musical one. I'd rather drop dead than break a personal vow.

"Each of you need to have some sort of dark side. You understand? Girls are more vulnerable to handsome young men who are troubled, if you keep carrying on like this, it's only a matter of time before the girls get tired of you and stop coming all together," she pointed at us as she ranted.

But that sounds like blissful heaven.

No girls means no club. No club means more naps.

"Are you trying to ruin my precious Kyoya's business?" she asked, "as your manager it's my duty to change your character backgrounds."


"Let's start with you!" she pointed at Honey senpai who'd taken refuge on Mori senpai, he burst into tears as soon as her gaze hit him, "if all you are is cute on the inside and out then you are no different than a baby! Therefore, from now on your are the baby faced thug."

Nope. I'm out.

I grabbed my bag and started heading towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Renge shouted grabbing my blazer and stopping me in my tracks.

I could flip her over my head.


"You are the cold dangerous fellow who no one should affiliate with, but actually he's misunderstood and really loves to just read and relax under the tree," she suddenly declared.

Dangerous... Fellow... No one... Affiliate..?

"Why you little-- I'll show you dangerous," I dropped my bag and clicked my knuckles, turning around just to see she'd already moved onto her next target.

"And Mori senpai, you're Honey senpai's childhood friend the flunkie!" Renge stated, "the twins will be basketball players enslaved in their own world. Haruhi, you're an honour student who's constantly being bullied. And as for you, Tamaki, you're the school idol that's admired for your good looks but you actually have an inferiority complex that you're hiding from the world."

But isn't that just what Tamaki naturally is?

"The lonely Prince," she finalised.

OK. Not so much about the lonely bit. But everything else, yes.

"And Kyoya, you're prefect just the way you are," Renge turned to Kyoya who...was wearing an unreadable expression, "so I want you to stay as kind and affectionate as ever."

Again. Are we talking about the same Kyoya here?

"Thank you, I'm honoured," Kyoya smiled 'sweetly' while somehow a spot light singled in on Tamaki who instantly moped.

"The lonely princess seems perfect for me," Tamaki commented.

"Yeah right, she couldn't be further from the truth," Haruhi retorted, annoyed.

The twins dragged Kyoya off the the side and started whispering among themselves while Tamaki got 'into character' and started asking Renge for her opinion on what he was doing.

"He looks like a fool," I stated, Haruhi nodded.

"n/n chan, did you hear her? She's so mean~" Honey senpai ran over to me and hugged my leg.

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