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"Alright class, today we'll be getting a new student. Everyone meet f/n l/n, help him fit in alright?" my teacher of class 2-A introduced me to the class, "why don't you say something about yourself?"

"Uh-- I'll work hard," I said before looking to the teacher awkwardly.

I don't know what to say. Introductions are about introducing yourself and this joker already did that for me.

"Alright, take a seat over there," he pointed to a girl at the back of the class, there was a spare seat open next to her. I nodded and walked over.

"Hi, I'm Nagisa Haruichi," the girl introduced herself to me happily, "let's work hard together, ok?"

"Sure," I nodded, "nice to meet you, Miss Haruichi."

"Please, just call me Nagisa," she smiled, I nodded and zoned out.

I'm f/n l/n, I just started high school for the first time. Currently I'm in class 2-A in Ouran High. So I guess that makes me one year late to the education system. I used to be a musician, but... I stopped. I'll never go back to it either. I don't really want to. Though I guess my family aren't really convinced with that because they keep trying to get me to play something or sing something, I'd rather not. Thanks.

It's been three months since I stopped playing... Three months since--

"l/n, let's work together!" Nagisa pulled me out of my thoughts, I looked at her confused before noticing I now had a maths work sheet in front of me. I nodded and pulled out a pen before beginning working through it.

"L/n d--"

"It's y/n," I cut her off, casting her a side glance, she looked at me confused, "being so formal makes me feel like I'm surrounded by my dad's clients and co workers. You're my classmate, not someone working under me."

"O-oh," she looked at me with wide eyes and her cheeks had taken on a slight red hue, "a-alright. W-well then, y/n, do you know how to do question three?"

I looked at it and nodded.

"You work out the brackets and then carry this over to here and square root, then substitute this here and work out the final answer," I told her, pointing to the sections on her sheet and marking it down lightly with a pencil.

"Which makes the answer... 14," she stated.

"Yes," I nodded, "it's the same way to work out for question four, five and six. When you get to seven, you need to do it backwards. Same with eight but then nine is a different formula."

"I see," she nodded, "thanks!"

The rest of the morning continued and I felt like I was being stared at the whole time so when lunch came around I was up and out the classroom before anyone could stop me. I sat in the maze but still felt like I was being watched and it was making me really uncomfortable.

"What the hell?" I mumbled, looking around to see no one was there, "so... weird..."

I just sat down on a bench and then laid down, resting my arm over my eyes.

"I was up earlier than I'm used to," I yawned, "so tired..."

"Y/n~" someone called, I moved my arm to see Nagisa leaning over my face. I sat up and moved over, she sat next to me and gave me a rice ball. 

"You not going to eat?" she asked me.

"I was going to nap," I replied, "I'm not used to waking up at this time. I'm usually up later than 6:30am."

"Didn't you transfer from another school?" she asked, I shook my head.

"No," I replied, letting out a yawn before taking a bite out of the rice ball, "I... didn't attend school before today. I did something else."

"You did?" she asked, "what did you do?"

"I'd rather not talk about it," I replied finishing off the rice ball, "did you cook this? It's good."

"T-thanks," she smiled before suddenly getting an idea, "i-if you'd like, I can make a bento for you everyday!"

I thought about it before shaking my head and standing up, I ruffled her hair and smiled.

"Don't worry about it," I smiled, "I'll be fine with whatever whenever I feel like going to get food. Truth be told, I don't always eat so I'm used to not having lunch often. Thanks for the offer though."

I turned and began walking away. Her cooking reminded me of Rein's mums cooking. It makes me a bit... unnerved. I haven't seen them since the funeral... I haven't seen anyone from the band since the funeral...

When I was walking through the courtyard, I noticed a group of people trying (but failing) to hide themselves while watching me. I guess I found the culprits. It was ginger twins, some tall emotionless looking guy, a tiny blonde on his shoulders, a blonde who I think is in my class, a glasses wearing black haired boy who is also in my class and a really feminine looking guy. 

I continued walking but they just followed.

"Alright, what do you want?" I asked, turning around to see them all trying to act like nothing was happening, "damn nuisances."

"Senpai," the twins both slung their arms around my neck. I knocked them off.

"Don't touch me," I rolled my eyes, "leave me alone and stop staring at me. It's freaking creepy. If this is your way of bullying the new kid, I'll be pissed and won't hesitate to kick your asses."

When Rein died, I accidentally got myself into a really violent mindset. I would slip out to vent my anger and end up beating the crap out of some random kids who would provoke me. It's not my fault they came after me.

"Violence isn't pretty," the blonde from my class sung out.

"Shut the hell up," I rolled my eyes, getting ready to rear back and elbow him when I was stopped.

"Y/n?" Nagisa walked over, "what's going on? Why're you with the host club?"

Host club?

I let out a 'pff' sound as I tried to contain my laughter.

"Something wrong, buddy?" one of the twins asked.

"Nah. It's just, I find it sad that you're a host," I said looking over all of them, "you guys must suck at sports or you're just desperate. So ridiculous."

I turned and began walking again, now that I was free from blondie and everyone else was stunned to the spot.

"I pity you," I called back, "now leave me alone."

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