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"I feel like a celebrity," Zen muttered as we were eating our food, everyone, and I mean everyone, were staring at us. It was kind of weird.

"You are a celebrity, dumbass," I elbowed him lightly before pulling my notebook out and continuing to write ideas down.

"Already brainstorming too?" Chika asked, leaning over and reading what I've got, "You're literally following the same planning pattern you do with our songs."

"The president told us to make it like our music," I shrugged, "but I'm not doing it exactly the same. They're not like us, they're totally different and doing things exactly like us won't make them different, just copies of us."

Thankfully, Roulette had gone to sit with some others so we were left to discuss things in moderate private.

"By the way, I heard you ranting to Cloudia," he commented, "something wrong?"

"Miké is a weird dude," I replied, "he gave me a list of things I can't do."

"Like what?" Nanan asked.

"Make any kind of noise or talk," I replied, irritated.

"How're you going to write then?" Zen asked.

"I'm going to have to sit in the common area to do my writing and then sleep when I get chance," I replied.

"Yeah, you can't exactly plug your voice into headphones like I can with a keyboard," Chika stated.

"Speaking of, do you have a keyboard in your room?" I asked, he nodded.

"Yeah I do, it's in pretty good shape too so I don't need to worry," he replied.

"Yo, is that y/n in the loser squad?" a very very familiar voice called from behind, we turned around to see another band. A band we don't particularly get along with.

"Oh wow, it's the rat," I retorted.

They're a band of four, Cole Druid, the guitarist and vocalist and lyricist, Dom Longridge, the drummer, Key Ghone, the bassist and back up singer and finally Rolo Keel, the keyboardist and song writer. Their band is called Lost 'n' Found.

"Who're you calling a rat, you oversized cat?" Cole snapped.

Cole's father is part of my mother's gang the Zodiac, he's one of the main leaders and his code name is Gemini along with his twin sister, Cole's Aunt. Don't remember their names but I do remember that Cole was born during the year of the rat so I kind of just call him the rat all the time.

"Shame about Rein," Cole stated, "guess now the band will just be second rate. Its pretty bold to come out of disbandment and then claim you're going to win at the GBC."

(GBC = Global Bands Competition)

"What will you ever do without your hot blonde friend?" Cole continued.

I stood up and grabbed his shirt and dragged him forward.

"I'd shut up if I were you," I growled as Zen dragged me off him.

"Hey, don't tell me I have to put you on a leash too," he hissed as he pulled me back.

"Put the rat on a leash," I grumbled, "or he's just going to say the wrong thing I won't hold back."

"You're such a troublemaker," Zen sighed and pushed me back down into my seat, "Cole, we'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about Rein. It's a really touchy subject."

"I know," Cole replied with a sly smile, "that's why I brought it up."

"Bastard," I stood up again and Zen threw his arm out in front of me and kept me in place.

"What do you want, Cole?" he asked.

"Simple," Cole replied, "we were hired to write a song for the number one idol group in this school, no in this whole region. You were hired for the low misfits of the idol world."

I noticed Roulette were now glaring at them. The whole hall were listening in.

"Misfits?" I repeated, "I quite like that though."

"What?" Cole snarled, "it's a word that refers to low lives with no talent and only mess around."

"No its not," I stepped forward pushing Zen's arm out of my way and standing closer to Cole, I could tell he was getting a bit intimidate. Thank you for being my mother, mum, I have the same glare as you and its god damn terrifying.

"It's a word that refers to unique people who don't follow the flow. They stand out more and that means they'll shine brighter," I grinned, "after all, Zodiac are misfits too. But we're more popular than Lost 'n' Found, right?"

"Fuck you," Cole glared at me, "I'm telling my father of this. He will not let you off so lightly."

"You mean the father that's working under my mother?" I asked with a satisfied laugh, "how naïve. Your father can't even get close to us. And you should hurry and scurry off to your sewers before you stink out this lovely dining hall."

"How dare you--!" he growled.

"I have an idea," I put my hand up, stopping him, "either way, this is the future of our partners so now we should compete. Let's say it'll be a pre battle before the GBC, we'll show you what you'll be facing when you meet us on that stage."

"I accept," he glared at me, "I'll be writing our song."

"So will I," I nodded, "and I'll write the best damn song I've ever written. Now stop contaminating this place and get out of my sight."

"Tch-- you're in for a world of shame, bastard," Cole turned on his heels, "I'll see you on the stage."

"Adios, good sir," I mock bowed to him and smirked, "you'll be losing."

Turning around, I take my seat again.

"Do you think that Claudia knew about this?" Nanan asked as they took their seats as well.

"Definitely. Why do you think he's not here now?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Zen asked.

"I called him earlier and I have a feeling that that whole sponsor thing was a last minute thing he did on a whim. Remember he was acting weirdly," I told them, "he knew they would be here so he ran before he got caught up in the crossfire. I bet that Mr William isn't here either."

William Hill, a European manager who came to Japan and started up his own agency 'Moon Records'. He's Cloudia's best friend and also Lost 'n' Found's manager. They always get caught in the cross fire between us so I have a feeling wherever Cloudia is, Mr William will be there too.

"You're probably right now that I hear it," Zen nodded.

"They're cowards," Chika muttered as we finished off our food.

"Great! Now we have to make the best music ever," Nanan grinned, whipping out his drumsticks, "let's rock that stage."

I cleared my throat.

"We're not rocking the stage," I reminded him before pointing to Roulette, "they are."

I noticed all of Roulette tense up and grinned at them.

"Welcome to the world of music, little idols," I stuck my tongue out at them, "it's going to get quite rocky from here on so you better work hard or our collaboration will fall flat."

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