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Reijin's PoV

We spent around ten minutes explaining to y/n's parents and Toru about what happened during the past year and a bit, starting from when he first met Kaede.

Well, it was more Kaede explaining everything. Truthfully, I had no idea what happened.

"So I decided to keep the baby and give birth to him so that y/n could could have his own," Kaede finished off, "he's been a big help to me and Takano and even now with Satoshi as well."

"Uncle y/n is really cool!" Satoshi grinned.

"Yeah," Takano cheered, just going along with his brother.

"Katsuro, why wasn't I informed of this?" Akihiro asked.

"Sorry, sir, but master y/n didn't want you or the young miss or your wife to know about it," Katsuro replied with an apologetic bow, "he begged me not to tell."

"He must've still been blaming himself for it at the time," Kaede sighed, "even after I told him not to blame himself. That man is so stubborn."

"He was worse when he was a kid, trust me," I added my comment to try lighten the mood but it seemed to make it duller.

"Yeah, Rein was the only person who could get him to do stuff," Nagisa sighed.

God damn me and my big mouth.

"A-anyway," I laughed awkwardly, "we're thinking this more as an egg donation and surrogate for y/n."

"Wait, so you're not bothered at all that my brother had sex with your fiancée?" Toru asked.

Well of course I'm a bit bothered but they were drunk and he had no idea.

"I know that y/n would never have done that if he didn't drink to a black out," I told her, "I trust him more than I show so I'm not really bothered."

"You should've seen him," Kaede looked down sadly, "he wouldn't stop apologising or crying. He couldn't even look me in my eyes until weeks later..."

"He's kept Kaede at a distance since then, you can tell by the way he was acting around her," I told them, "like he was scared he'd do something again without knowing and he didn't want to hurt her or anything. He's a good guy. A little too good. But I know he'd never do this intentionally. He's not like that."

"Good to know you have faith in my brother!" Toru grinned before focusing on Kaede, "so does my nephew have a name or is he just a he until birth?"

"No, he has a name. Y/n already had a name lined out, we made a deal that if it was a girl, I'd name her, if it was a boy, he'd name him," Kaede replied, "so his name will be Ryo l/n when he's born."

"Ryo?" Toru repeated, "hm. Weird, I was expecting him to call him lion or something."

"That's what I said!" I exclaimed, "high five for sharing the same thoughts, girl!"

"Hell yeah!" Toru gave me a high five and we laughed a little before I noticed Takano was woddling away.

"Hey, come back here, you little monster," I quickly got up and swept him up before walking back, "where'd you think you were going, hm?"

"Uncle," he frowned at me. I sighed and turned him to Toru.

"How about auntie?" I asked. Toru looked between me and Takano in confusion.

"Just to be clear, this one is yours, right?" she asked, I nodded.

"Takano, this is Auntie Toru," I told him, "be nice."

Toru cautiously took Takano and placed him on her lap, he started messing with her clothes. When he got a good grip, he stood up and used her as a balance before doing his thing.

We spoke for a while, y/n's parents were obviously trying to get a feel for Kaede because they were interrogating her like there was no end.

The two hour limit was coming up so I rescued her from their gaze and excused us, taking Takano from Toru where he was happy napping at this point and then headed home, despite Satoshi wanting to stay with y/n a bit longer.

Katsuro had decided to stay with the l/ns a little longer.

He must've paid for a longer parking time.

"Y/n's parents aren't very close," Kaede commented as I began driving.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean-- they weren't like I expected them to be. Its hard to explain, it's like they have a distance between that keeps growing," she replied.

"I heard they've not been on good terms lately, but they're staying together for their image," I replied, "if they divorced respect for Nagisa amongst the Zodiac and especially the Leo branch would nose dive and having a divorce would also negatively affect y/n and Toru's futures."

"I see..." she looked down, "it's kind of sad."

"They used to be really close," I told her, "but at some point during y/n's last band tour, something happened between them and they haven't been able to pick themselves back up again. It had something to do with Akihiro. He did something but I don't know what it was."

"You don't think it was an affair, do you?" Kaede asked with a slightly horrified look, I shook my head.

"He loved her too much to do such a thing," I told her, "I don't know exactly, but I have a feeling that they may have gotten into a small argument and then Akihiro said something about Nagisa's family to her and then it all went downhill from there. See family is everything to Nagisa. Her side of the family are very protective of each other so it makes sense."

"Oh," Kaede sighed, "do you think they want to get back together?"

"Probably," I shrugged, "but they're both too stubborn to apologise first and fix their relationship. That's where y/n gets his stubbornness from. His parents."

Kaede laughed a little at that.

"Yes I can see that now."

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