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"I'm home!" I announced, taking my shoes off and putting then on the shoe shelf, my bag was taken from me by one of the maids and I walked into the house, going to the living room to see Toru sat alone, "Toru? Where's mum and dad?"

"They rushed out," she replied, looking at her ipad and smiling.

"What're you looking at?" I asked.

"Zodiac," she grinned at me, "the very first music video you guys made."

"I see," I nodded.

"I miss Rein," she frowned, "and I just realised why you were so weird about Nanan. He's the same Nanan from your band..."

"Don't make that stop you from being friends with Momochi," I replied with a smile, sitting down next to her and turning the ipad off, not really wanting to see it, "if he's a good friend then keep him close."

"Alright," she nodded, "he reminds me of you, actually."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He's reserved and doesn't want to get into crazy plans. It takes me ages to get him to do things," she replied, "like I wanted to climb a tree and he was against it but I managed to get him to climb after a while."

"I remember something like that happening to me when I was younger too," I nodded, "Rein was the one who forced me to do things. If your friendship ends up like ours was, then you need to hold onto that friendship as much as you can. It will be something that makes you stronger. I just hope it doesn't end the same way mine did."

"Your friendship hasn't ended, y/n," Toru grinned, "it continues for as long as you remember everything that happened and just remember Rein for who he was to you."

I looked at her wide eyed.


"Nothing... it's just-- When did you get so grown up, huh?" I teased, trapping her in a head lock and ruffling her hair, she laughed as she tried to knock my hands away, "you're growing up too fast, Toru, stop it. I still want my little adorable sister."

"Well I want you to loosen up again," she stared at me, "I want my big brother back. The one that was happy all the time."

"I'm trying," I told her, "it's just not as easy as it sounds."

"We're home!" mum's voice echoed through the house before she and dad appeared in the doorway. I let Toru go and stood up, facing them.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"No but we need to go to a dinner party this evening, all of us," dad replied, "I've had the maids set out some clothes for you both. Go get showered and dressed. This is an important meal I cannot afford to miss."

"Alright," both me and Toru nodded.

"We'll be back soon then," I said before walking away.

I went to my room and quickly showered then changed into the outfit laid out for me, it was black dress pants with my black dress shoes, a simple white long sleeved shirt with thin black stripes and a deep purple tie. I buttoned up the cuffs and then tied up my tie, leaving it loose around my neck with the top two buttons of my shirt undone.

"As messy as this looks, I still want to be comfortable," I sighed, grabbing my towel and finishing drying off my hair before hooking it on the drying wrack and leaving my room. I headed downstairs to see my mum in a light blue dress, my dad in a generic black suit with a matching blue tie and Toru was in a pink floral dress.

"Finally, what were you doing? Creating your outfit from scratch?" mum asked before walking over and fixing my shirt.

"Please don't--" I tried to push her hands away but she just gave me the look that screamed 'I'm not taking no for an answer'. She tied my tie properly and then pushed me to the door.

"Lets go," she ordered. I sighed and nodded, we all walked out and got into the limo.

"So... where are we going?" I asked.

"The Ootori mansion," my dad replied.


Oh great... Kyoya...

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