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I reached the graveyard and walked in. It was starting to get slightly chilly now. Autumn is coming...

It took me a while to find his grave because I didn't exactly remember where it was, but I found it...eventually.

"Hey, Rein," I sat down in front of it after lighting a stick of incense, "it's... Been a while, huh? I'm here to say goodbye. This time, for good."

I placed the photo of Zodiac this year on the glossy stone surface and made sure it was stuck to the spot so it couldn't blow away or get ruined by the weather.

"We won't the GBC again," I told him, "it was a bit weird but we did it. We were piped against the rats band for the third year in a row and man it's just as funny as it was the last time we beat them. Guess I'm as mean as ever, huh?"

I sighed and leaned back slightly.

"I'm sorry for forgetting my promise," I muttered, "but I got back to it and I'm having as much fun as I was before, maybe a little less, but still, fun is fun nonetheless... Though..."

I placed my hand over my heart.

"... I don't know how long that will last," I continued, "because I think my over working and stress has gotten to my body finally and its... Hurting a lot. I have a feeling that as soon as I go to a doctor about this, I won't be able to continue playing music like I want to. I'll probably be on the training to take over dad's agency."

That's the opposite of fun for me.

"I know that if you were here, you'd probably hit me a couple times, tell me to stop being a dumbass and take care of myself," I grumbled, "and just thinking about it is kind of irritating me but I know it's right and that's why I'll probably go to a doctor later. Not until we come back from the tour, though, we won that fair and square, I'm the one who broke the band up in the first place, I won't do it again right before everyone is able to let lose and have some fun again. So it'll wait until after that."

Sorry, body, you just have to hold out a little longer, OK?

"Anyway," I stood up, "if you're lingering around us, go to heaven or whatever is after death. Go rest."

3rd Person PoV

Y/n turned and began walking away after placing something on the top of the headstone.

"Please just go and rest," he muttered as he shoved his hands in his pockets and got further and further away from the grave.

What he didn't know was his best friend was sat on top of that headstone, just smiling at him the whole time.

He nodded and looked down at the top of the headstone to see the two plectrum pendants sat there.

"You really did finally say goodbye to me, y/n, thank you for that," Rein muttered before disappearing into nothing. No one would know that he was there, eventually, he'd just become a distant memory for his friends, an unforgettable but distant memory that won't have that much of a long standing effect on them. He had no reason to worry anymore, the boy he was stared would never move on, finally moved on, and so...he could also move on.

"I hope that in our next lives, we can be best friends again, y/n. Until then."

Y/n turned around, looking around with a frown. It felt like someone had just embraced him and then ran away, but there wasn't a soul in sight.

"Weird..." he muttered before shrugging it off and continued his walk to the café he'd agreed to meet Kyoya in for a much needed relaxing date.

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