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"I didn't know you'd be staying with us, Kyoya," dad commented as we were eating dinner.

"It was a last minute thing. I apologise for the intrusion but I'm thankful for the hospitality," Kyoya replied.

"It's alright, we're happy that y/n actually has friends not in a band with him," mum teased.

"Speaking of friends," I looked to my dad, "I met one of yours today."

"Oh? Who?" dad asked curiously.

"Rito Futosha," I replied with a bored look.

"Ryoto Fukushima," Kyoya corrected.

"Yeah him," I nodded, "and he made a very very interesting topic of conversation to me."

Dad froze from eating and looked at me.

"What was your opinion on the topic?" he asked me, I shot him a glare.

"I refuse," I said bluntly, "I will never willingly give myself up for such a ridiculous thing such as arranged marriage."

Dad let out a sigh while mum and Toru shot him surprised looks.

"An arranged marriage?" mum asked, "when did you begin thinking about that for y/n?"

"A bunch of people have requested an arranged marriage business partnership between y/n and their children," dad replied with a shrug, "I was only thinking about it. I wasn't going to accept any marriage meetings or whatever without discussing it with y/n first."

"Yes well, I refuse," I nodded, "I will not get married now, or for as long as I can hold out. Especially not with some snobby high class woman who just wants to use me for money. That's not the kind of life I want."

"You just want to laze around until you die," Toru giggled.

"That would be preferable," I nodded, "but on a serious note... Marrying someone I do not love is not something I will even consider, its not worth my time."

I finished off my food and yawned.

"If you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a shower," I stood up and walked out of the room, stopping in the doorway, "Please tell Chef Ro that I enjoyed the meal."

"Yes, sir," one of our maids nodded to me as I walked away.

I went back up to my bedroom and grabbed my towel before going into my bathroom and taking a shower.

When I walked out, I realised I didn't bring any clothes in with me so I just dried myself off and wrapped my towel around my waist and walked out into my room to see Kyoya sat on my bed with a book in his hands. He looked up and then quickly looked back down.

"What's the matter with you?" I asked as I walked past him and towards my wardrobe.

"You have too good of a body to be walking around lime that," Kyoya replied.

"Oh is that flattery I hear?" I asked as I grabbed some clothes and start getting dressed, "shirt? Nah. Can't be bothered with that."

I grabbed some clothes for Kyoya and walked out, dropping them on his lap before flopping onto my bed, my feet still on the floor and my hands perfectly placed behind my head.

"It's no flattery, more so a compliment from your boyfriend," Kyoya replied as he put the book down.

"Boyfriend? I think that might be the first time you've called me that," I smiled.

"Is it?" he asked before he laid down as well, his head on my arm. Well that's a move I didn't expect.

"Anyway, you can take a shower today or in the morning before school," I told him, "there's stuff you can use in the bathroom and a towel."

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