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"So you have two days rest?" Kyoya asked as I walked out the bathroom with my towel around my neck. I yawned and nodded.

Over the past week I've been having weird moments where I'd suddenly feel like someone was stabbing me through the heart or something. It'll be only for a second or so but it's been there and when it does come around it hurts like a bitch. Honestly, I'm thinking there may be something wrong but I'm not going to act on it until I get home. I doubt it's anything too bad.

"Something wrong?" Kyoya asked as I settled down onto the sofa and dropped my arm over my eyes.

"No. Nothing," I replied.

"You sure?" he asked, I could sense him leaning over the back of the sofa.

"Positive," I replied.

"Just make sure that you tell me if there's anything wrong with you," he told me, "and I'll see if I can help you."

"I'm fine," I sighed, "stop nagging."

The next two days flew by, we were drilling manners and good conversational skills into Nanan and we were forcing Chika to practice actually smiling for once but... it didn't work out too well. During the evening of the first night, I was forced awake by that pain shooting through my heart again but it lasted longer than it did before. I had to smother myself with a pillow as to prevent Kyoya from being woken up by my pain. I know that if he found out, he'd probably force me to forfeit. But I won't. I refuse to. I'm playing music again, and this time I won't stop. Never!

"Remember your manners, Nanan," I warned him as he got ready to go on stage. 

"I know!" he stuck his tongue out at me, "I got this. Just you watch."

I don't feel very confident after what he just did.


Surprisingly, Nanan seemed to keep himself together and beat Lost 'n' Founds drummer, Dom.

Chika lost to Rolo because he really didn't act friendly in anyway and the song he chose to perform... Wasn't exactly... Well... Its hard to explain. Let's just said it didn't really fit him very well.

Zen destroyed Key in a rhythm challenge and man I've never seen someone look so depressed. Key even did that thing people in movies only do and slumped to his hands and knees. It was freaking fantastic.

I came to a draw with the rat. So we don't have a winner but it's a good thing that those member vs member battles were just a publicity stunt and a bit of fun. Nothing to really worry about. But now. Now is the final show.

"We're finished getting ready so we'll go on ahead," Zen told me as he, Nanan and Chika all left the prep room, I nodded and then slumped down in my seat.

My phone started ringing, I looked down to see it was Toru and answered.

"Hey, big brother! You're in the finals again! - Kick ass, my boy! - mum! Stop that!"

I smiled at the craziness that was probably happening.

"Thank you."

"You'll never guess what."


"All the leaders of the Zodiac gang are at our house and the families of the Zodiac band are here too! It's like a Zodiac meets Zodiac mess!"

"Well that's not worrying at all."

"Don't worry about it. Oh. Rein's parents are here with his brother too."

"O-oh really?"

"Yeah. Do you want to talk to them?"

A sharp pain shot through my heart again, I grasped at my shirt in response and winced.

"Big brother?"

"Huh? Uh-- oh. No. I'll be fine."

"Ok... Well, the host club are also here."

"God damn-- why would you--ow."

I winced again, my sudden movement just made me hurt even more.

"You OK?!"

"Yeah. Just slammed me knee on the table. Anyway, why would you say that they're the host club?"

"Because they are?"

"Oh. If you were trying to hide it from mum and dad... It didn't matter. They were monitoring your school life through a mole or something. They already knew."


They work fast. I didn't even notice.

"The Ootori family are here too... Its pretty scary, Mr Ootori has been scowling this whole time."

She was whispering that down the phone.

"That's just his natural face. Don't worry about it."

The pain finally subsided and I pushed myself to my feet, grabbing my guitar as I did.

"Anyway, Toru, I've got to go. Wish me luck."

"Good luck, big brother!"

A chorus of 'good luck's echoed from the background of her call.

"Kick ass!"


"Ahah! Gotta go!"

"Toru--" I shouted as the line went dead, "how dare she say such things. I mean-- sure, I had no filter before but damn that girl..."

"Y/n! To the wings!" someone shouted from the other side of the door.

To the wings.

I walked out and headed to the rest of the band.

"What took you so long?" Cloudia asked, "I was starting to think you were napping."

"Nah," I shook my head, "just on the phone to my chaotic family and their chaotic guests."

"Makes sense," he nodded, "anyway, chop chop, over there now! You're on the stage any minute now!"

"Right," I nodded.

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