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Kyoya's PoV

I sighed as the driver drove me along the beach side.

"You've been sighing a lot this evening, young master, is something troubling you?" he asked me.

"Hm... Is something indeed?" I hummed, looking out the window as we passed a small restaurant, inside was that familiar mess of h/c, "stop the car!"

"Sir?" he stopped the car and looked at me confused as I jumped out the vehicle and ran down the street back to the restaurant.

"I knew it. It was you," I huffed as I entered to see y/n sat at a table with a little boy, books sprawled out across the table, "y/n... What're you doing?"

"Tutoring Tetsuki?" he replied, looking at me confused, raising a book up, "English."

I frowned at him.

"Who's this, y/n senpai?" the boy, Tetsuki, asked.

"Kyoya, he's...a class mate," y/n replied.

So I'm not the only one who doesn't know if we're actually friends.

"And this classmate is taking you away," I sighed, "we have a project to do if you have forgotten so easily?"

"Ah, you're right," y/n nodded and collected his things, "I'll probably be here again tomorrow. I don't want to go to school so keep me entertained?"

"You got it!" Tetsuki grinned before they bumped fists and the tow of us left to my car which was now waiting outside the doors.

"Why did you run away?" I asked him after a while of just sitting in silence.

"I don't know to be honest," he replied with a weak smile, "I just...did?"

What kind of answer is that? Seriously...

I sighed again and looked at him. He was staring out the window, his eyes weren't like they usually were. They were empty and slightly sad. It reminded me of someone who's met someone they left on bad terms with, like...he wanted to see them but something inside him was telling him not to.

I'm getting a headache just thinking about it.

"You know..." I trailed off, "you should try to talk to them."

"I don't think I can," he sighed.

"Why not?" I asked, I'm finally get information out of him, I'm taking advantage of this.

"I ran away," he replied, "when things got hard, my mind created this...wall that reminded me that Rein's death was partially my fault and I guess I couldn't face the others. So I ran. I disconnected and I ran. And I did it again today. Anyway, that's a life I don't want to go back to, I'm content with the life I've got now, with you and the club. Although they can be a bit annoying..."

OK. I didn't get anything but he's being dragged down by his past.

If this were an anime, I'm positive that the artist would put some kind of imaginary chain around him.

The car stopped outside the house and we both climbed out and headed inside.

"We'll go to my room. We won't be interrupted," I told him, he nodded and we began heading up the stairs to my bedroom.

When we got in we just sat in silence around the table I have in there.

"So what's the project requirements?" y/n asked as he pulled a laptop out his bag and logged in. I pulled my own laptop out and passed him the requirements sheet.

Eventually, we got into working, going back and forth between each others work and checking them.

"Kyoya, I brought you and your guest snacks-- oh its y/n," Fuyumi walked in with a tray, with two glasses of what looked to be orange juice and a plate of biscuits in, her hand.

"Good afternoon, Fuyumi, I apologise for the intrusion," y/n bowed his head to her as she placed the tray in the empty space between us.

"It's no bother at all," she smiled, "our brothers and parents are out today so it's just you two and the staff. I'm heading out on a date. See you when I come to visit, Kyo."

"Good bye, Fuyumi," I nodded to her with a sigh. She waved and reluctantly left.

"Did she want to talk more?" y/n asked, obviously noticing her behaviour.

"Probably but don't worry too much about it," I replied, "talking to her would've probably made you lose some brain cells."

"That's a bit mean, Kyoya," he laughed, I couldn't help but let a small smile grace my lips.

"So you can smile," I teased, "That's good to see."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"You've been sighing and being mopey for the whole evening," I replied, "I can tell you it's not a good look on you."

I looked up from my laptop to see him leaning on the table with his cheek in his hand, he was staring-- no, he was studying me.

"What's a good look on me then?" he asked, curiosity glowing in his eyes.

"I'd say a smile but you don't do that often," I replied, "you always seem to be angry."

"That was not a compliment," y/n frowned with a small pout. I smiled and shook my head.

"Quite the opposite actually, it was a compliment. I find your personality is your most charming feature," I told him honestly, I watched as his face suddenly took a bright red hue and he used the back of his hand to hide his embarrassment.

Chuckling, I leaned forward and pulled his hand away.

"You're pretty much perfect, you know," I continued to tease him, he turned redder than the roses Tamaki has on order almost all the time.

"S-stop talking," I stuttered as he tried to pull my hand out of his grasp, "I don't like where this is going."

"Where do you think it's going?" I asked as I moved around to his side of the table. At this point my own heart was racing and I could feel my ears tingling slightly.

He really is perfect.

He has good looks, he's smart, popular, loved by his family, he's strong and has an iron will. Though like every person, he has one flaw, that's his inability to let go of the past.

I want to help him become free from his darkness but its harder than I expect it to be, everything I do always seems to have a negative affect on him. The video, me talking about Zodiac...

It's difficult, a challenge I've never had to face before.

I grabbed his tie like he had with mine in the club room and pulled him forward, I rested our foreheads together and sighed.

"I want to help you, y/n," I whispered, "won't you let me in so I can try?"

He visibly stiffened before he also sighed and then pulled away.

"Sorry, but I don't think anyone can help me," he muttered.

I frowned at him before my body moved on its own impulse, I found myself grabbing his wrist and pulling him back, he was startled by my sudden moves as I dragged him into a hug.

"I'm going to keep trying," I declared, "and I won't stop until I'm satisfied."

He was stiff and I could tell he may have even been slightly uncomfortable, but eventually he melted into the hug and hugged me back.

"Thank you."

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